Thursday, 9 May 2013

Tips for older job hunters...some more hopefully helpful suggestions

One of the most important things of all is to be able to show an employer that you have adapted with the times and kept up to date with modern trends. This is so important if , as you have got older, you have had to change from the job you did and transfer your skills to another type of work. You may have been a builder or decorator, or indeed as in my case a nursery nurse, you now find yourself in poor health, unable to do that job and denied sickness benefit because in the UK, ATOS have declared you fit for work. You have to sign on for the small amount of Job seekers allowance you will get, which will be stopped by sanctions if you do not apply for jobs. You need to be able to do some kind of work. Do some IT training , perhaps set yourself up with a blog or website as a consultant in your field and tell other younger and fitter people how to have the successful career that you once did you market your business to get work, what do you think made you a good worker who got jobs in your field ?

Sometimes you can find free or at least low cost computer courses at your local library, community centre, or employment project...bear in mind that you quite likely will have to jump out of your comfort zone and change from the work you did, you may have been made redundant and there is just not the amount of that sort of work available any more, e.g. manufacturing, or if you are registered at the jobcentre in the UK, you have to be prepared to apply for and take any job...not the job you fancy..

Try, even if your financial situation is desperate, not too look too desperate to employers, look positive, seem positive about what you have to offer., but do be realistic about the jobs you apply for and if you have the required skills and experience and meet the job description. If you don't then you are wasting their time and yours and it will go against you when a suitable vacancy does come up. One good piece of advice is if a company offers three jobs and you could do all of them, don't look desperate and apply for all three. Write to the company, with your CV and in your covering letter say that you know they are recruiting and would like to work for them in any suitable vacancy.

Try to even on as limited income take care of your appearance, look on Gumtree for free model nights if you can't afford a haircut

 Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

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