Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Selling yourself

photo credit: The Nothing Corporation via photopin cc
 When you are looking and applying for a job you are really practicing your sales technique..and the product is you !!!

You need to promote yourself and get yourself known and noticed...but for all the right reasons. It has already been mentioned on the blog that many employers now look up an applicant on the web, to see what they can find out about them, so make sure that you are a great salesperson for your product...yourself, and watch your internet image.

The most obvious places to develop your image, just like a photograph of yourself, are of course Facebook, 
Twitter  which is a surprising feature packed resource for job hunters, and LinkedIn. Many less technically confident job hunters are hesitant about using LinkedIn, but if you are job hunting....you need a LinkedIn profile. It will often be the very first place that a prospective employer will go to find out all about you..There are even some albeit divided but to be considered opinions that in time LinkedIn will replace the CV.
These are the most likely social media sites for job hunting but do not rule out others,,,even Pinterest which is a great place to put a portfolio

If you are needing to look for a completely new job for  any reason, perhaps in cases such as mine where having been a nursery nurse for many years ,  now that I am older I am not fit enough to do the job due to health problems, you may have done one type of job for many years and need to grow a new skills set to be able to change careers. Take a look at what free courses might be available.

A very good way to grow your skills and get experience and a work record can be to work on the many freelance sites available

looking for a job is a job....you are valuable and have a service to sell..be your own best PR

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