Saturday, 9 March 2013


Well..I promised a newsletter...since I know nothing about HTML coding, there have been some problems in finding and using templates which I can then transfer to the Blogger template. This newsletter was produced with a template, which normally would be emailed to subscribers....unfortunately I am not quite ready for email list subscribers yet..but please do watch this space ...or perhaps the next one !!



Decisions decisions...I have more offers of freelance work than I know what to with and am thrilled to bits...declared it all to Jobcentre and wrote on my declaration that ...yet again.... I am asking for help to become self employed....grants and things that i know are available, so I can get off JSA...which ends for me in June in any case. Jobcentre won't hear of it....say I must apply for and get a job ( in other words not be entitled to claim anything at all and that no help is available to be self employed ) ...but what happens when you are self employed and earning but not earning much....and maybe one week you get nothing ? Mortgage interest relief and council tax help carries on for four weeks if you start work or become self employed....maybe I just take the plunge....give up and bid and bid for freelance work...which I am being offered instead of applying for jobs
I am not and pack my diary with it from all the freelance boards I can...OK, I work all day and night gets the Jobcentre and DWP off my the moment they control my life....because being on jSA and meeting the rules for it is a job in itself !!!

photo credit: HelenCobain via photopin cc                                    
                                                       photo credit: Amplified2010 via photopin cc

Is freelancing going to be the way forward for many ,especially older people who are forced to try to get work because they cannot claim any benefits..there has been a huge rise in the popularity of such sites as Freelancer and Peopleperhour

Cause for concern


I find myself very appreciative of the concern of my friends , who in spite of being pleased at my relief in being able to get freelance work, and have the possibility of building it up to make an income, are concerned and therefore restrained in their congratulations, in case I give up my benefits and find myself with nothing. I have been advised to seek advice from an advice service. However, what I really need, which is to get disability benefits for my health conditions, including sight, mobilty and heart problems...nobody seems able or willing to try help with, My GP who had been writing sickness certificates, even thoiug the DWP had refused to accept a claim for sickness benefits, now refuses to write certificates, saying that it will be to no avail if he does.However, it is known that the government puts pressure on GP surgeries to not write medical certificates for patients...

Peopleperhour is an online marketplace for freelance work and services
Personal URL



  photo credit: Amplified2010 via photopin cc



Small beginnings

Well, I did say I was going to try to produce newsletters..which are supposed to be a good way to inform your blog readers of what is on there, especially updates..I am still learning how to use newsletter software and I'm sure I will try many versions, some easier than others...but here was my small beginning.
Job hunting over 50 ?

photo credit: FontShop via photopin ccp>

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