Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Get your blog seen ..Banner advertising

png Banner
photo storage

 There is no pint in setting up a blog or website and packing it with money making links if nobody sees them. So, you have to get your site seen. A Google search 'Get your blog seen', 'promote your blog free', or 'how to advertise my blog for free' will point to lots of resources.....including 

Another advertising opportunity you will see as you explore advertising options is  Banner ads and banner exchanges. A banner is an ad in the format of a banner, but first of all you need to make one. Of course, anyone with web design skills will make their own banner, but if like me, you do not then there are many great banner making sites where you can make a free banner, like eg mine above.....I used   
Go to :

 while at BannerSnack ...I made this one

 I don't really understand what comes next, but I am going to try to explain it as best I can , it seems that although you may have used a banner maker or generator  and so got an image, at this stage it is just a picture, and to be able to use it you have to have the image hosted a website is hosted, or this blog is hosted...with Blogger.

BannerSnack appears to limit some of its services such as being able to host the banner where you wish to, unless you upgrade and pay, but the first one I designed  is hosted with a site which seems fairly easy for a beginner to use, and not make mistakes, I found and liked...

Having uploaded your banner to a hosting site , you now have a banner ready for use when you get the opportunity to advertise it. Google Free banner advertising and free banner exchange sites, both of these systems often involve your banner being seen by earning credits viewing other banners, but it is a useful means to free advertising , even if it does take up some time.

Valerie Hedges

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