Job Hunting... older, a stay at home mum or Dad , disabled , or a student ? Resumes / CVs or articles written and help with job searches .. charges by arrangement
Monday, 30 December 2013
Job hunting over 50?: Writing prompts and blog post ideas
Job hunting over 50?: Writing prompts and blog post ideas: If you are going to make a blog and earn money, then obviously you will need things to write about. The best blogs , are the ones where your niche (topic) is motivated by an interest, and/or experience …something you know about. Such as in my case, this blog is about my experiences as an older person with disabilities having to find work. Also, a blog motivated in this way is less likely to have the writer fall foul of copyright or plagiarism issues, since you will be largely writing your own material from your own experiences. However, everyone can need a bit of a prompt and inspiration now and then, so I hope these links will help….. the list will be regularly added to ….
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Judith Durham returns to the stage .....aged 70 after a brain haemorrhage
Dear Valerie,
With kind regards,
Michele Morris
for Judith Durham
Michele Morris
for Judith Durham
The Seekers recently returned to the stage after lead singer Judith Durham's recovery from a brain haemorrhage.
The Seekers legendary lead singer was rushed to hospital after suffering from a cerebral haemorrhage following a Melbourne concert in May during the band's Golden Jubilee tour.
Recorded at Hamer Hall, this is the final few moments of the first Melbourne concert during their Golden Jubilee Tour. Judith Durham was in hospital with a small cerebral haemorrhage only a couple of hours after this performance. However, only four months later they announced the rescheduled tour
Walk with me......
Judith Durham and The Seekers....
I'll Never Find Another You....
Im a big fan.
Time and Time again
Judith has a beautiful voice still.
Judith Durham has one of the most beautiful voices i've ever heard.
The Seekers turn 50
The original line-up of The Seekers - Judith Durham, Athol Guy, Keith Potger and Bruce Woodley - reunite for their 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Farewell Tour.
This iconic band was the first to ever to reach No 1 in the UK charts with their first three singles. Their hits include I'll Never Find A Love Like You, Georgy Girl, A World of Our Own and Morningtown Ride. They have sold over 60 million records globally. Fifty years on they are still touching the hearts and souls of fans.
You would not believe her age, Singing with the group keep's her young
Forever Isn't Long Enough For Me
50's medley
Morningtown Ride
Red Rubber ball
Lemon Tree
Puff the magic dragon
Right from the minute The Seekers walked on stage, they had their audience eating from the palms of their hands. There was almost a religious fervor in the air - everyone knew this was one very special show because everyone there knew tonight (and the 14 or so which preceded it) might very well have not happened, but for Judith's determination and a great medical team to usher her to good health.
Just wonderful to see them all again! What a fighter Judith is,
Many of us are aware that just as Judith was looking forward to her 70th birthday and was on tour in Australia celebrating the 50th anniversary of The Seekers, with a UK tour planned for the autumn....she had a brain haemorrhage
Judith Durham turns 70
A Message to you all from Judith...;)
Who would have believed that you could be in hospital and have such a wonderful birthday?! I had the most glorious day, surrounded by family, treasured Musicoast colleagues and dear Athol and Keith - Bruce is away at the moment but sent his warmest greetings. I was thoroughly spoilt and was given the most delicious vegan birthday cake which seemed to disappear very quickly!
Who would have believed that you could be in hospital and have such a wonderful birthday?! I had the most glorious day, surrounded by family, treasured Musicoast colleagues and dear Athol and Keith - Bruce is away at the moment but sent his warmest greetings. I was thoroughly spoilt and was given the most delicious vegan birthday cake which seemed to disappear very quickly!
"But in a funny sort of way, because I'm in the position I'm in, it's meant I've had the biggest birthday of all."
All My Trials
Here Am I
no bands of today can hold a candle to judiths amazing vocels the seekers are 1 of the finest bands in the world
Its a very special world of Judith and The seekers fans....A world of our own
Lets meet a good friend of Judith's and The Seekers...
Georgy Girl
I first found my love of Judith and the Seekers when during a very difficult childhood in 1960's London, I like many others identified myself with Georgy Girl, a song which Judith believes is even better known than she is..Many people through the years have adopted Georgy Girl as a kind of anthem.....And my friend wrote about it for her thesis !!!
And Myra !!
Keep a Dream in your pocket
Hold on to your dream...
Hold on tight....
My Faith
Judith Durham returning to the stage
We shall not be moved
They are sounding great and Judith looks well. Athol introduced her as "Our little miracle".
..they were absolutely outstanding, she showed no signs of being so ill only 5 months ago....her voice was pure magic and there was so much love outpouring from The Seekers themselves and from the audience.
Amazing Grace
Good group of people who love the Seekers!
brilliant song ,, and what a voice judith has
The one and only Judith Durham....never been matched.
like a comment by Bruce Woodley when Judith sang one of his songs, "Worthwhile writing songs when you hear them sung like that believe me".
Judith Durham, Athol Guy, Keith Potger and Bruce Woodley – are greatly looking forward to taking their UK fans down memory lane
Doctors have given Judith Durham the green light to return to the stage, and a new run of UK dates has been secured, starting April 28 2014 in Cardiff. New dates for The Seekers 50th Anniversary now on their official website. All existing tickets sold are valid for the rescheduled dates.
Future Road
Music everywhere
Sixteen Reasons We Love Judith Durham
Why do I love Judith ?...apart from that fantastic music talent she is incredibly kind...when I started my blog to support people like myself who are older and maybe have health problems but are still working or indeed having to look for new jobs in the current economic climate , I featured Judith who continues to work with a lung condition which she admits does not improve with age , the legacy of childhood measles..Judith sent a lovely message...reprinted at the top of this post
Is it any wonder that Judith and indeed The seekers are loved...All over The world....
Judith Durham And The Seekers
Friday, 27 December 2013
Is a new job on your Xmas list?
The importance of Thank you
One of the most significant memories I
have of Christmas when I was a child , is about learning at an early
age, from my Father, the importance of saying 'Thank you. '
Of course as it does for children the
world over, Christmas morning started early , as soon as I was aware
of a heavy weight on the end of my bed, and would rub the sleep from
my eyes to see more parcels on the floor by my bed, and one year....a
dolls cot complete with canopy and a quilt.
My mother, as soon as she could on
Christmas morning became a martyr to the cooking of Christmas dinner,
but my father would sit on my bed, bringing with him a notepad and
pen. On the notepad he would help me to make a list of all my
presents and who had sent them ...ready to write my thank you
The first early attempts were rather
short and simple...something along the lines of
Dear Auntie Betty and Uncle Ernie,
Thank you very much for my Christmas
present. I liked it very much and I hope you had a good Christmas and
I will see you soon
Lots of love from
Eventually they grew a little...
Sadly , I know of children who for many
years, and some of them are now grown up, had so many presents that
they had little recollection of who they were from, and Christmas was
such a whirl that they certainly never got around to writing thank you
letters. For many families this absence of the art of letter writing
may well have grown with the advent of mobile phones and texting, and
of course the internet and email. However, there is nothing quite
like a hand written note, especially now that for so many of us just
about the only things that arrive in envelopes are bills and final
It had been my original intention to
put this on my own personal blog as an article about the importance
of writing thank you letters, with the memories of my father . My
personal blog has been sadly neglected due to the need to concentrate
on making money. However, as I researched the post I realised that it
is also very appropriate for a business blog as Thank You letters
have become very important in the world of recruitment. It is
recommended that one writes a Thank You letter after an interview.
You may not get the job, but gestures like the Thank You letter are
remembered and make a good impression, possibly for future vacancies
..or it may even get you the job.
Here are some links to suggested
formats for Interview Thank You letters.....
Susan Ireland's site also has links to
many other helpful resources such as ....
And very useful indeed if you have like
many, been out of the workforce for some time perhaps on disability
benefits but have been forced by welfare reform to look for and
apply for jobs.....
Interview skills
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Job hunting over Christmas...should you bother ?
Job hunting over Christmas...should you
bother ?
Well, the turkey is eaten and all the
presents unwrapped and you are just watching the mostly dull
programmes that are on day time telly this time of the year , aimed
at people at home during the festive period. If you are unable to
afford pay to view channels and are limited to Freeview that will
mainly be programmes about the Nazi's and programmes about
So, should you get on with your job
search ? Well, one reality is that if you are on Job seekers
allowance you have no choice in the matter and will be expected to
continue your search for jobs and applications, or you will find when
next you go to sign on that you are sanctioned and will get no money,
but there are advantages to keeping up your job search at this time
of the year.
Companies will clearly get a little
occupied at Christmas with deadlines to meet and partying, so
things will go a little quiet, though do not suppose there aren't any
jobs out there therefore its not worth bothering. To the contrary,
very often managers need to put employees in post prepared for the
new year. Just like the periods leading up to the summer holidays it
are often a good time for your job search.
This means you should use your time to
re-focus on your own career search, getting in a strong position once
the new year arrives. still send your CV, to advertised jobs and
employers, its a quiet time and they could even have longer to scan
it than usual.
Evaluate your CV..does it need any work
or change ? Check out sites for free CV reviews, and post that
CV to as many as possible for a free professional opinion.
Check wherever your CV is already and
take it off, then repost as this keeps it nearer the top of the pile.
You may quite likely have placed your CV on a website, or several,
some years past and not looked since. If you are not looking at it
then neither are employers !!!
Be sure that you know how to make a
generic CV be custom-made for every post you apply for.
Rather than simply applying with your
CV to publicized jobs, take advantage of things being a little
quieter and check out firms. Yell is a decent business listings.,
plus I followed my own suggestion and Googled business directories in
Mitcham, Surrey, where I live.
If you have services
you can use to make money, then use free business listings to
advertise yourself.
Master the art of Social networking
You are in all probability on Facebook
already, however there's a lot more to it than pictures of cats and
commenting to your mates on everything you are doing and every place
you go.
If you do not have a LinkedIn
profile...go to the site and get not be fearful of
LinkedIn several employers go straight to a candidates LinkedIn
profile on seeing their CV, and you need to be there..Google
Employment social networking sites too for alternative helpful
Circulate..Take advantage of New Year
parties to let people know that you are looking for a job, but
don't bore is a party, so be able to talk about other
things too.
Benefit from the Christmas break
Get yourself into a strong, work ready
place, research courses, on-line free ones if cash is tight and you
can not afford college courses, see what's free on-line. Check out
and start using a system to record your job applications and
responses and.....
Enjoy the break !!!!
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Boxing day
Boxing Day, the day after Christmas and a day to have a rest after the preparation and business of the day before and to eat cold turkey and pickles ...or a day to hit the shops for the sales. In 1874 Boxing Day was officially recognized in Britain as a Bank Holiday.
As a child I remember my mother much preferring Boxing Day to the stress of Christmas Day, to which she made it clear she felt and enjoyed being a martyr...a victim to the cooking of Christmas dinner . On Boxing Day we ate cold turkey, mash potato, and pickles. My Father, who enjoyed undertaking most of the Christmas food shopping, and indeed the present buying , would buy huge jars of such traditional Christmas necessities in 1960's and & 70's England of red cabbage and Piccalilli , gherkins and pickled onions , all of which I was encouraged to try. I think such pickles were very much a part of life in the East End of London where he had grown up.
I , meanwhile on Boxing day, was expected to be quiet and enjoy my new toys and presents .....
An important point to remember was that the country now virtually comes to a standstill between Christmas and New Year , with many taking extended holiday, but that was not the case in the 60's and 70's and Boxing day was a day to rest after the effort of Christmas, before returning to work.
Of course for the upper classes and country people, the day has for many many years been associated with the Boxing Day hunt.... riders, horses and foxhounds chasing foxes. The hunt has changed in character since the introduction of the fox hunting ban , not an entirely popular law . The fox having been replaced with I believe, an imitation substitute with a similar scent. For more ordinary working class people the day has also long been associated with sporting activities, especially watching or perhaps playing Football.
Thank you to Liz Allen for sourcing the following information, an explanation of Boxing Day , ....
The exact etymology of the term "boxing day" is unclear. There are several competing theories, none of which is definitive. The European tradition, which has long included giving money and other gifts to those who were needy and in service positions, has been dated to the Middle Ages, but the exact origin is unknown. It is believed to be in reference to the Alms Box placed in places of worship in order to collect donations to the poor. Also, it may come from a custom in the late Roman/early Christian era, wherein metal boxes placed outside churches were used to collect special offerings tied to the Feast of Saint Stephen, which in the Western Church falls on the same day as Boxing Day.
In Britain, it was a custom for tradesmen to collect "Christmas boxes" of money or presents on the first weekday after Christmas as thanks for good service throughout the year.This is mentioned in Samuel Pepys' diary entry for 19 December 1663. This custom is linked to an older English tradition: since they would have to wait on their masters on Christmas Day, the servants of the wealthy were allowed the next day to visit their families. The employers would give each servant a box to take home containing gifts and bonuses, and sometimes leftover food.
Boxing Day. (2013, December 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:35, December 26, 2013, from
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Friday, 20 December 2013
Make money with Amazon...selling books
photo credit: pedrosimoes7 via photopin cc |
Recently, I saw as I quite often do a list of top selling books and this reminded me of articles I have written where I have mentioned making money on Amazon. Regardless of the arrival of the kindle and other E readers, Books are still much loved and very popular. I would love a Kindle if I was able to afford one, but even so there are stories associated with books that are never going to be quite the same if a text is just downloaded to an electronic screen.Books are still selling very well on Amazon and you can sell your books that you have on the shelf and already read, just collecting dust, or in boxes in the attic.
Upstairs on my bookshelf is a copy of the book Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad....The story of the Iraqi academic May Witwit, and how a British BBC journalist saved her life and got her out of Iraq , after a friendship began with a series of emails when the journalist wanted to contact an Iraqi living in Iraq after the invasion. The difference between my copy and many, is that mine is autographed by May, with whom I went to school in London , when she lived here for a time as a child and spoke very little English....The autograph is dedicated to the person who understood her when she didn't speak English. Now living in the UK, she was awarded a PhD last year....Its not a book I will ever sell...but you can make some money doing so.
Some people even check the book titles that are selling well and then buy them if they happen to see them in the charity shop, or at markets and sell them on . If you can still make a profit after postage and sellers fees have been taken into account, and do it often enough to be making a profit, then why not ?
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Diary of a Benefit Scrounger: The 12 Days of Coalition Xmas - by @DocHackenbush
Diary of a Benefit Scrounger: The 12 Days of Coalition Xmas - by @DocHackenbush: The amazing @DocHackenbush gives you the 12 Days of Coalition Xmas ...
Just a thought
ON Dec. 19th 1970
Loretta Lynn claims the #1 position on the Billboard country chart with "Coal Miner's Daughter"
focus on,
Just A Thought
Changing careers
In the present economic situation, more and more people people are forced to take any kind of work that pays, rather than what they would like to do.
Some still think about changing professions, just because they feel like a change from the field they currently work in, however the chance to change, especially if you are in work is not as tempting today as it once may have been. My mother back in the 60's and 70's used to just hand in her resignation and have a bit of a break if she fancied looking for something else. For my father, although the reason for the change was always motivated by more money, he did indeed change jobs every few years .
Changing careers has advantages and disadvantages.On one hand there is the thought of maybe being able to do the job you really want to do, that dream job. However, there can be many obstacles to getting into a job that is a more current , modern career than what you did before and you do not really have the skills or background for it. This is one of the effects of the change through the years from an industrial economy to a technology based one. The skills required are different. However, if you are adaptable, you possibly can make some sort of transition from the old job to some new one.
A good idea when starting out ont the process of changing or looking for a new job is to identify and write down your skills. Google Identify your skills and you will find lots of sites to help you do this, with advice and skills tests.
Then next work out what sort of job you would like to have. Of course for many these days, facing welfare benefit cuts, perhaps being disabled and yet forced by welfare reform to claim Jobseekers Allowance and look for a job, or have your benefits sanctioned, this may not be about what sort of job you fancy , but anything that you can do.
Again, Google, 'What job can I do' and you will find lots of guidance and direction that may be useful. There you will also find 'what job can i do from home and make money'
working from home ideas
working from home data entry
data entry from home
data entry from home no fees
data entry from home free registration
data entry from home no experience
mystery shopper jobs
working from home typing
work from home business ideas
successful work from home business ideas
home based business ideas
business ideas for retired people
business ideas for elderly
business ideas for writers
business ideas for beginners
business ideas in a recession
list business ideas
small business ideas list
small business ideas
home based business ideas uk
jobs you can do from home
and on a more lighthearted note that might be a bit of fun....what job can i do quiz
Valerie Hedges
assessing your skills,
career advice,
career planning,
Making some money opportunities,
Small business,
starting a business,
Things to do while you are looking for a job,
working from home
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Today we welcome another guest post from Liz Allen photographer, and owner of Liz Allen' studio and gallery ....
TIPS FOR SHOPPING AT ANYTIME, BUT ESPECIALLY NOW : Go to the stores early in the Morning, or later at night, Do not be afraid to ask for a senior discount and or a friends & family discount,!!!! I have done this many places and have saved an extra 25 % off of a article that already was 50% off . If you see a button missing and you know you can get one, ask for a discount on that, even a person who doesn't sew, can sew a button on.
Even if you purchase over the phone , ask for what specials they are having at the moment, free shipping, Maybe even a great discount on something else, You know would be a great gift for someone, enjoy and have fun, make it "a fun time "
And when you can please try to support small businesses & they, like myself will always even beat Walmarts prices on photography,
UK site ...
Just Google places that offer senior discounts for lots more lists .....
Thank you ,I hope you find this post helpful
Liz Allen
Monday, 16 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Get your blog seen ..Banner advertising
photo storage
There is no pint in setting up a blog or website and packing it with money making links if nobody sees them. So, you have to get your site seen. A Google search 'Get your blog seen', 'promote your blog free', or 'how to advertise my blog for free' will point to lots of resources.....including
Another advertising opportunity you will see as you explore advertising options is Banner ads and banner exchanges. A banner is an ad in the format of a banner, but first of all you need to make one. Of course, anyone with web design skills will make their own banner, but if like me, you do not then there are many great banner making sites where you can make a free banner, like eg mine above.....I used
Go to :
while at BannerSnack ...I made this one
I don't really understand what comes next, but I am going to try to explain it as best I can , it seems that although you may have used a banner maker or generator and so got an image, at this stage it is just a picture, and to be able to use it you have to have the image hosted a website is hosted, or this blog is hosted...with Blogger.
BannerSnack appears to limit some of its services such as being able to host the banner where you wish to, unless you upgrade and pay, but the first one I designed is hosted with a site which seems fairly easy for a beginner to use, and not make mistakes, I found and liked...
Having uploaded your banner to a hosting site , you now have a banner ready for use when you get the opportunity to advertise it. Google Free banner advertising and free banner exchange sites, both of these systems often involve your banner being seen by earning credits viewing other banners, but it is a useful means to free advertising , even if it does take up some time.
Valerie Hedges
promoting your website or blog
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Make money writing
As Christmas approaches and indeed at other times of the year, there will be posts about ideas for making money online. After all, the main purpose of the blog is to help people who find themselves in the same situation as myself, older and or disabled, or with health issues that affect and limit the work they can do , but forced by finances and or welfare reforms to find a job, or ways to make an income. Obviously, by my attempts to set up a blog about this issue and make money from it, one of the ways that money can be made is by writing....
Not everyone has a best selling novel inside them , and although if you do it's wonderful, you are not going to become rich quickly. However, you can set up a blog or website and write about anything at all that interests you, or that you know a lot about. Having got started and set up a blog or website, and started to write content on it, the next step is to monetize it with affiliate links or other forms of advertising . Again, this will not make you rich by the end of the week , but is a great plan as a new year resolution. All of these terms, affiliate etc, sound rather daunting to a beginner, and it is the need to learn as you go that means that you don't get rich quick with a blog or website...not if it is being done properly and to maximum eventual advantage , however, a good place to start is Amazon affiliates scheme, as so much of the technical work is done for you and all you have to do is choose banners, widgets or links to display what you want to sell, copy the generated code and place the code on your site , basically that is it, and it is a very good scheme to start with.
Of course, I have already mentioned that not everyone is going to write a novel, but there are other ways to write for the web and get paid. . Writers are in demand for such areas as writing CV's and resumes, greeting card verses, answering questions, as well as writing advertising and reviews and getting paid if you can write poetry.
More to come about getting paid to write ......Meanwhile please visit my shop
Mitcham, Greater London, UK
Monday, 2 December 2013
Supporting small business at Christmas by Liz Allen of Liz Allen Photography
A warm welcome and thank you to guest writer Liz Allen of LIZ ALLENS' PHOTOGRAPHY & GALLERY, who writes for us on the importance of taking the opportunity to support small businesses at Christmas time.
The Christmas Season is upon Us, & Please try to buy from Small Business' too , like "LIZ ALLENS PHOTOGRAPHY & GALLERY " , for your self or others, I will also make Christmas Cards from my Photography, also anything You want.
Without Small Business' there would only be chain stores, of all kinds, no democracy, every Country, city & state would be like a "cookie cutter". All of us need to support "small business" , of every kind, Photography, grocery stores, clothing stores, restaurants.
would happen to " mom & pop " stores " if it were not for small
business ??? Millions of people would be out of work, We all need to
support " Small Business"Owners and their establishments. By doing so we make it possible for them to be able to create jobs by taking on staff to work for them.
Why not surprise family with original
Christmas cards, a photo or mug with photo on it ??? Or any silly
background ??? Or a beautiful sunset background, beach background ?????
Or a Patriotic background ?
have taken so many Photos All Over The U.S. & would love to sell
some of them. 5 x 7 , 8 x 10, 11 x 13, 16 x 20 , prices will include
shipping, but no frames........TO ALL IN LEE COUNTY, FL., LEHIGH ACRES,
8 X 11 That is downloaded with ultra Premium, High Gloss, heavyweight,
fade resistant 5 star photo PAPER .... Call 239 368-0206 today to get
that Appointment before "24 of DEC. " LIZ ALLENS' PHOTOGRAPHY &
Also available in the UK from .....
Go to ......
**Commercial stock use and fine art prints available for purchase.**© Liz Allens' Photography & Gallery
Are you ready to re-decorate your home with beautiful pictures on your walls ??? Well at Liz Allens' Photography we have beautiful pictures taken all over, that would go with any style..
Do you have a wedding coming up, a family reunion, a birthday party , or want that special glamour photo taken for that special someone
course, I can change any photo for you that you want to sepia or black and
white, or have it done in Canvas for you, or a huge poster....
No large chain of photography studios would provide you with this level of personal service.
Are Not A BIG PHOTOGRAPHY STORE, We Are What you Call "A MOM & POP " owned co. with my son & daughter-In-Law working .
THANK YOU for supporting Small Business....
Liz Allen
**Commercial stock use and fine art prints available for purchase.**© Liz Allens' Photography & Gallery
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