Thursday, 5 January 2017

Looking to the future

This year I am going to make the most of any good opportunities I have!!! I recently moved to sheltered rented housing and no longer must do anything and everything I can physically manage to bump up my disability income and pay a mortgage. I can achieve dreams of becoming a writer, known for writing articles on age, employment and disability issues …and other things when I have time, and I am going to work at getting my degree. I am blessed and I can look at this coming year with hope, happiness and confidence. I still have health issues but as I am not claiming welfare I have no fear of being made to look for a job that I cannot physically manage and I can concentrate on improving my health after the financial and emotional strains of the past years.

I know I have people who love me and want to encourage me with the things I am doing, my writing and my degree and who support me with my health issues. I am capable and intelligent and loved and supported and I have a lot going for me in my life.

I have known what it is to feel afraid and when I still do, I know it is OK to own those feelings, but I am going this year to do all I can to make progress with my plans as a writer and my studies and to resolve as best I can, my health issues. I will not lose sight as I have often done in my past of my possibilities and I will remember to count my blessings, my future looks brighter than it has for many years and I look ahead with hope.

Questions for self-reflection ~

1. What ways I have been blessed lately?

2. What can I do to increase my self-confidence?

3. How does my perspective affect my emotions?

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