Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Its ok to think about yourself, Did You Remember to Wish Yourself a Happy New Year?

For days after January 1st we go about wishing even people in the street a ‘Happy New Year’ We say it to almost everyone we meet, but what about yourself? Did You Remember to Wish Yourself a Happy New Year?

The season of good will goes right back to September and as soon as the schools go back after the summer holidays it is in the UK, one long party and shopping time of MerryHalloweenGuyFawkes Christmas time !!! indeed almost feeling that they do run into one, as we have no time for our purses to recover before the next expense. The Christmas cards, presents and decorations and food all start to appear on the shop shelves as soon as the school uniforms and stationary items such as pens and pencils and notebooks and pencil cases are packed away and in the background while shopping for just that week’s shop, you realize you can hear We wish you a Merry Christmas, and its only September!!!
 The USA have Thanksgiving as well and Black Friday, the great big day after Thanksgiving shopping event to set off the Christmas season has taken a journey across the pond to the UK as well!! Due to the sheer number of goods being ordered online and coming to places like the UK and the USA from China etc, USA customs now advises that the UK ignore the official last posting for Christmas dates and mail parcels for Christmas gifts to the USA before Thanksgiving. I sent a gift to the USA for Christmas only to have it not arrive until two weeks after and while I paid extra for tracking, nothing at all was heard of the parcel from it being put on a plane in the UK destined for New York and then eventually way after Christmas arriving at its destination …it was in Customs in New York for almost two weeks.

However, while there is such a long build up to Christmas, within a day or so it is all over and I have even seen Christmas trees thrown out before New Year’s Eve, before we know it New Year is advancing and we are wishing Happy New Year even to strangers in the street!!! We hope that everyone has a year of good health and happiness, but have we been kind to ourselves and wished these same good wishes for ourselves? Did you remember to wish yourself a Happy New Year?

However, as I have written often in earlier articles, just wishin and hopin as Dusty Springfield sang is not enough in itself, to make something happen …you have to then take positive action.

For a goal to have more chance of being met it needs to be one that you really want to happen, that you really want to do it, which e.g. with the very popular New Year goal of giving up smoking, often is not the case. You also need to have self-belief that the goal will happen and that you deserve to have good things happen to you and are worthy of good things. 

If you are not by nature an optimist and find it hard to be confident, then it can be hard to have this attitude, but it does get easier the more we practice it and you can be inspired by the sense of optimism and hopefulness that we feel at New year on any day at all.

Make sure you include yourself as you dish out the New Year goodwill. Take the feelings of optimism and hope and turn them into action, and you really can have a great chance of a Happy New Year, all year.

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