Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Job Hunting online

With the advance of the internet, it is many years since job hunters relied on the newspaper and cards in shop windows to find a job .True, newspapers do list jobs, and local ones especially can be very useful, as can national ones for executive positions, but with the vast number of resources, not just job boards but CV and resume advice and templates and advice on the job hunt itself plus interview skills, the computer is the way to go when looking for that job.

The use of a computer and the web for looking for and applying for jobs has now become the norm , with e-mail, web searches , CV and resume and covering letter examples and  templates as well as other job-related products.

 With the advent of job boards such as Monster, Total, fish4jobs and Indeed and many, many more, companies publish employment opportunities to a vast reach of possible applicants , while at the same time job hunters can find many job opportunities that would not otherwise be known to them and submit applications online. Also as most of these sites have online CV storage as part of their services, you can be headhunted by recruiters looking for your skills, who may contact you.

A geographic advantage is that with the internet applicants are not limited to knowing about only jobs in their own locality, if they are in a position to consider employment further away. In fact, the internet removes many restrictions for the job hunter including that job searching and applications can be done on any day of the week at any time, not just Monday to Friday during business hours.
An often less well known feature of the jobs market is the hidden job market as opposed to advertised jobs. 

One of the best ways to bring yourself to the attention of employers who may have a job available or know of jobs, or indeed freelance opportunities, is through your social networks, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and yes, Facebook too.

However, it is vital that if you are looking for employment opportunities, you keep your online presence respectable and clean and protect your online image.

Take full advantage of all that your computer offers for your job search, whether with an employer or as a freelancer, or indeed for starting your own business.

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