Wednesday, 13 February 2013

How does one justify gaps in Your CV?

Accentuate the positive :

You really want that job, in fact, you don't just want it you need that job, however, you’re troubled concerning how you'll justify gaps on your CV.

That drawback is a reality for numberless people who are trying to get work

The absence of evidence of work on a CV may be because of a range of things,such as and including  firings, redundancy, time off to raise a family etc. That being said, it's not uncommon for employers receiving a CV with gaps to shudder, shake their heads, dismiss it and toss the CV in the bin.

In the event you  are one of those who have got some explaining to do, it will help to keep these factors in mind:

Be honest, don't hide things or cover up – almost everybody has had a gap in their working life at some time or another. The worst thing to do is attempting to cover the gaps by fabricating something or short of having enjoyed time at her Majesty's pleasure in jail, justify the gap. Even a criminal record need not be barrier to every job
Attempting to avoid things can flag up concern among several employers. far better to be honest

Note your good points and achievements on your CV and play them up – maybe you took a break from work to volunteer. Did you take time out to raise a family? Did you have medical treatment that left you fit and well. even if you didn't work for a time and now you are ready for work ?
Accentuate the positive– If you studied or volunteered, what did you learn ? What skills did you use while raising your family ? do your experiences translate to the workforce ? Just because you used your time in a non paid way does not mean it was not valuable experience, and don't let anyone convince you that volunteering is not valuable in preparation for work, although some employers give this impression

The time spent in education will be viewed as a positive particularly if it offers the the job the benefit of what you’ve learned and  is job related eg IT skills

Make a case for the gap in paid employment

If you have got the abilities for the job, even a gap here or there on your CV ought to be explainable in an acceptable way.

photo credit: scottkellum via photopin cc

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