- http://www.totaljobs.com : Go to the Total jobs site and on the tabs at the top, go to Career advice.
- CV-library.co.uk: CV library is a fantastic site with not just job searches but a Career Centre, where you can access how to get a job, how to write a CV and help with covering letters, interview tips ..and.... a social media centre :-)..job searching, especially if you are doing it online at home can get very lonely....
- Enter the job title you are looking for eg Admin Assistant..to bring up details of jobs on the Guardian jobs site
- Monster jobs has one of the biggest job boards and search facility http://www.monster.co.uk In addition they also have one of the biggest sources of career and job application help like blogs....The whole site seems to be headed with categories of ....Home, Resume, Jobs, Career tools, advice and communities....Under the Resume heading I found , along with the upload or create a CV facility found on most similar sites, loads of advice for writing your CV ( Resume) the following heading and link
with advice on how to 'Age proof your resume'....saying You can't turn back time -- but you can make sure your resume looks current and attractive to hiring managers, no matter what your age..... Put Your Education to Work on Your Resume offers suggestions of how to put your education to its best advantage on your CV, including non academic experience and Resume Dilemma: Employment Gaps and Job-Hopping.....How to Handle a Spotty Work History offers suggestions for covering employment gaps or if you have had a varied career history..... Every page seems to lead to other links so there is a lot to dip into but many articles immediately jump out as worth reading sooner rather than later..such as 10 Ways to Keep Busy Between Jobs
With resume gaps now the norm, workers should pay attention to how they use spent time between jobs. The reason is simple: Employers want to know how job candidates spent their time when they were out of work. Learning? Travelling? Moping? Unless you project the image of a can-do job seeker, you're likely to have a tough time bouncing back from periods of unemployment. "What they are looking for is that you were productive with your time,.... Further time spent finding my way around the site I realised that the links you click on open up under the relevant heading.....there are loads of categories of resume help and sample resumes for all sorts of job titles that can be used as a template for your application...... The first blog that you will be linked to at http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog is the original one since Monster moved the site to http://www.monsterworking.com in December 2011. However, at the moment at least, the original site is available too. On this original site are archives with useful articles and a list of recent posts before the site moved including Can Facebook Get You a Job? The categories list includes careers at 50+ . while the current blog is hosted at http://www.monsterworking.com/category/job-search-advice/ the latest posting when I was on the site is a timely fire up your job search this fall.... http://www.monsterworking.com/2012/08/14/4-essential-steps-to-fire-up-your-job-search-this-fall/... ..... fall can be an excellent time to jump on your job search.....and I notice myself that here in the UK as Autumn commences there are in spite of the longest recession for years and thousands chasing every advertised job, more jobs available than at other times of the year..ready for the new year that starts in Autumn, such as the new school year etc...after the summer holiday period.There is another blogrole full of resources and sites to visit and archives going back to 2003... http://www.monster.co.uk http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog http://www.monsterworking.com
- Many, many people are having to accept part time work even though they desperately need a full time income. Often, it is part time work or no work and it is certainly better than no work and no benefit entitlement either....however, it is good to check any benefit entitlement that might bump your income up a bit further, and also if you are claiming benefits, to see if you are entitled to retain perhaps a bit of help. Often part time work can lead to more hours, or at least a reference for a future job.....
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