Sunday, 30 September 2012

Get a life..

Since I started my blog I have quite often mentioned the importance of continuing to live a life, not just about job hunting. True, the job centre make it clear that while you are claiming benefits your job is job hunting and when you are meeting deadlines for job applications, and rewriting your basic CV template over and over again, as is now advised by the Job centre and job programmes you may attend such as the Work Programme, it is easy to believe that your only purpose in life is indeed to get a job.

I mention the matter of rewriting your basic CV and adapting it to each role you apply for because we have moved on a long way from the days of having 'your CV', and just sitting at a computer firing it off . I certainly do not need to write an article about how competitive job hunting is these days and will I believe continue to be. By that comment, I do not think that an improvement in the economy will necessarily make it easier to apply for jobs. There may in the future be be fewer people applying , I have applied online for jobs where I receive a count of how many have applied...540 is not unusual, but employers have learned how to become so much more sophisticated in their selection of candidates, in order to get the best employee While the economy has been so tight, managers have become much more particular..why be prepared to pay money to train when you can find out from a CV, and a look on LinkedIn and their profile that an applicant already has what you are looking for and you have hundreds of applicants to choose from who do have what you need ? Applying for a job these days is an exercise in SEO skills and knowing what words to use on your application CV to maximise your chances. Lots of companies use CV screening software, so the trick is to be sure that your CV has the words that the job will be looking for..e.g., my background, even though I am no longer fit enough to do it, is in early years work with pre-school children, family support and special educational needs..I won't get a job as a bank manager...however, even though I have not been able to work in childcare for ten years, I still get offered this work, but not the admin role I now need. When applying for jobs, be realistic in what you apply for and maximise your application and its chances as best you can by reading the job description to understand what the job is asking.

Meanwhile, Get a life.....I don't deny that it is very difficult indeed to maintain a social life and stay in circulation when you have such a very limited income as you will have being on benefits. friendships can indeed be lost at the expense of the difference in income and the limitations it puts on you . However, while you are reading this on your computer, you are using one of your greatest assets for keeping in touch, expanding your contacts and visibility...and indeed making contacts and gaining skills that can lead to a job. It isn’t about life coming to a stop when you have no money to spend after benefits have barely covered even your basic home expenses..and usually they do not , e.g. in the calculation of which benefits are paid, you my be eligible for some help. not much but some, towards your mortgage interest, but if you have mortgage arrears and are paying interest on those too, then what you get will in no way cover the mortgage amount., The same sort of situation will apply if you have chosen or been forced by your utility company to have prepay meters. Those on very low incomes actually end up being forced to pay more of a proportion of their income for basic utilities, because they are frequently stuck on pre pay methods of payment e.g. for mobile phones and gas and electricity. If you have a poor credit rating you cannot get a mobile phone contract and you cannot switch to a deal with a cheaper gas and electricity company if you are paying off arrears on pre pay meters. Life need not come to a stop with a very limited or non existent disposable income, you just go about making a different sort of entertainment rather than the lifestyle you might have chosen with a good income.

Many claim that the internet, especially social bookmarking sites such as Facebook are dangerous and only used by people who cannot function in society and have normal relationships. ..people who spend their time looking for little green men True, it is important to be able to relate to people on a face to face level...Facebook does not allow for reading those clues in expressions and body language that are so vital to communications, but the internet is a great source of being able to make contacts, especially for the disabled and those on a limited income. There are. apart from Facebook and LinkedIn, forums and groups for every interest under the sun, and of course masses of information to help your job search such as free CV templates as well as job boards. There are hundreds of sites about living on a budget and debt management, again many with forums so that you do not feel so isolated, as if you are the only one with the problem....The problem is when the internet completely replaces your personal face to face relationships. Many years ago I remember a song 'People'..frequently known by a line from the lyrics...people who need people', the song was recorded by many but especially associated with Barbara Streisand....

People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
Were children needing other children
And yet letting our grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children
Are very special people
They're the luckiest people in the world
With one person,
One very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you are half now you're whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs people
People, people who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world.

With one person
One very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you are half now you're whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs people
People, people who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world.

As I mentioned earlier, the internet cannot replace that essential experience for functioning in society and at work or amongst our communities and present or future friends..the ability to 'read' a person..body language and expressions, tone of voice...
Not surprisingly ,I am unable to afford a kindle E-book reader,and in any case, it is very difficult to keep up with the merits of the models available. When the Kindle first came out, it was indeed a wonderful idea. to be able to download books and store them on a small light gadget to carry around in your the time I am able to afford one it will make a cup of tea while you read the book you have downloaded !! but there are online applications from kindle and other systems that enable you to download and read free books online with lots of sites where you can find free books..

Free courses of study are more difficult to find than they were and eligibility for a free place on many courses is more heavily restricted than previously. It is now not unusual that the criteria for a free place is that you must not already have what is considered to be a level 2 qualification, even if the subject of the qualification you have is not relevant to your future career plans. An example of this is that I am considered to have a level 2 qualification as I am NNEB nursery nurse qualified, although I now have health issues which prevent my doing that work, it is difficult for me to get free places on courses such as IT.

The first luxury I had to give up when my income dropped was cable television but recently I was able to tune into a web channel and watch Andy Murray win the US open tennis..there are several sites where you can watch free TV, in the format of online videos and episodes of series ,many being great favourites from years ago as well as free movies..

The age old hobby of pen friends gets rather expensive these days due to the cost of stamps, but the modern and cheaper version is to Google free epals, and make online friends from around the world to share experiences with.

Free music videos can be enjoyed by signing up to Youtube, and most of these can be shared on Facebook , so that you can enjoy music discussions with your Facebook friends. On Youtube you will also find audio and and visual videos on everything including looking for a job, IT skills, nature, documentary type videos, the list of subjects goes on ,and again you can share and discuss your finds with r interested contacts that you find online, or your friends who might live some way away and it s not easy for you to get to see can even save the cost of stamps and send online birthday and other occasion cards for free !!

Keeping up a life of contacts and interests even with, especially when , you have little money and have lost many aspects of your life is vital and also helps a lot towards making contacts and accessing the hidden ( unadvertised) job market.

Valerie Hedges

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Career change or job change ??

One advantage of looking for a job in the present economic climate is that you are not alone., and in fact you can find quite a bit of support and encouragement on job boards, forums and Facebook and LinkedIn There can be many reasons and factors involved in why someone is job hunting, but these days the situation of an older person having maybe been laid off from one job, but having no option but to look for another is perhaps the most likely scenario , as people have no option but to stay in paid employment much later in their lives.Changing jobs just because you fancy a change is not so much of an option these days as perhaps it was.
Some factors that have made people think about a career change are age, health,stress levels or a desire to make a living out of your hobby. Whatever the reason might be, there are still myriad avenues and options, especially on line, in which you can start your new career. Let us take a look at the best jobs for a career change.

Opportunities for a Career Change
Before we go ahead and divulge some details on the best fields to start your new career in, we would like to tell you that there is a substantial difference between career change and job change. If you are needing a job change, you may be merely changing your current organisation to join a new one which offers you relatively better benefits or indeed a job at all., The experience and skills that you have developed over the years will be still useful to you. In case of a career change, you will be charting into a completely new territory and you will have to do the learning all over again and/or use those transferable skills you hear so much about.
So, it is important that you do a bit of thinking, if you have the time that is, rather than the need to just take a job quickly for financial reasons, about what essentially you are looking for. We can provide you with some ideas of career change in this article, but you are in the best position to judge what will work well for you. Before you start your journey on the new career path, it is essential to understand whether you will be able to do justice to yourself., and if the job is sensible.practical and financially viable. Once you are sure about this, you can take the next step and look for opportunities in your field.

Becoming an entrepreneur is easy, being a successful entrepreneur is a different matter and difficult. If you have got some savings and want to invest it to give you a steady source of income, starting a business of your own..perhaps property investment, since it is a landlords paradise these days with so many people being unable to afford to buy a home, and that not likely to change in the near future, is one of the best options. Becoming an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean that you need to have a million dollars in your bank, but what you should essentially have is a great, profitable business idea....something that people want in the way of a product or service..and where you can meet that is about supply and demand....hence the success at the moment of landlords.
You cannot depend on being accepted for any grant programme and just assume that you will get a grant, but there are lots of support , advice and possible grant options out there that you can approach.
When I say that you cannot assume that just because it is there, and investigating the web suggests that there are loads of grant schemes for budding entrepreneurs, much will depend on your current circumstances. Take my own example...due to my health , I am trying to start an advice based service , developing a website around what I know about, and sharing my knowledge and experience...looking for a job when you are over 50 and perhaps not in good health, The making a profit part comes in when I can monetise the site through sector relevant affiliate schemes. However, along with many others, in spite of considerable health issues, I am being forced by the department of work and pensions ( Job centre) to look for work. I have repeatedly tried to discuss my suggestions for self employment with advisers, and have asked for referral to the governments New Enterprise scheme. However, although quite a few advisers have smiled encouragingly, and promised to telephone through an enquiry for me, when I go for my next appointment, the adviser has been removed from my case, and it is made very clear that I am to look for a job, This might sound harsh...I have a heart condition, high blood pressure, partial sight, arthritis, a vitamin defiency that affects my bones, a history of fractures, and anxiety and depression, BUT, like many others in my position, am denied sickness benefit...therefore I have to look for a job, tough but that is how it is. The Job centre managers have some awareness of my situation, on file I guess, and that I am totally dependent on my Job seekers allowance to pay my mortgage and that due to a history of domestic violence I already have a suspended possession order on my home, which is activated if I cannot pay the mortgage ….an adviser recently admitted to me that the powers that be are of the opinion that I am not in a position to make enough to cover my bills by self employment..therefore they have no option but to force me to comply with job seekers allowance rules and get a paid job, as I am not going to get sickness benefit, and have been told that should I apply I will be deemed fit to must not assume that just because indeed grants are available for those wanting to start self employment , you will be granted access to will depend on appraisals of your situation because you have to be able to support yourself besides the grant, which will not last forever...I have now been referred to the Work programme, where at my induction this week I was told that while indeed self employment could be a future is just that, and I have to first get a job...
There are numerous businesses that don't require huge investment to set-up and the returns are good enough to ensure that you eventually can live a financially stable lifestyle. Some businesses that you can think of starting are -
  • Accounting ..if you have that experience
  • Computer Maintenance
  • Landscaping
  • Cleaning
  • Event Management
  • Catering
Creative Jobs
If you always had a creative urge inside you but couldn't realise your dream due to financial or other constraints, may be now is the time to have a go at it. You need to trust yourself and your skills as a lot of people will disapprove and put you off if you tell them that you are resigning from the post of a sales manager to start a new career as a writer. But as they say, "Not all those who wander are lost", with determination and perseverance you can be successful. Some of the jobs in this field are -
  • Writers/Copywriters/Editors
  • Painters/Sculptors
  • Architects, planning designers, builders, decorators etc...
If you are someone who has got a lot of information and ideas to share,, and has a valid qualification, and experience in eg teaching , a career change as a tutor can provide an ideal platform. . If you have an inherent desire to teach people (and have the required degrees), you can very well start a coaching centre of your own and impart knowledge to students. If you are good at motivating people and at helping them to come out of distress, then you can very well look at a career as a counsellor...if you speak another language there is lots of freelance work on line as a translator, or you can work as a virtual PA, a field in which there are an increasing number of opportunities

As mentioned before, making a career change is not about sleeping one night as an accounts executive and waking up the next morning as a novelist! You should carefully weigh up all the options and factors involved before you take a plunge. We wish you all the best in your endeavour.

Valerie Hedges
looking for a job when you are over 50

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Is Age Discrimination an Issue in Job Search?

Is Age Discrimination an Issue in Job Search? - Personal Strategy -

While age discrimination is illegal, we all know it exists. So, what can a job candidate do about it? Answers can fall into three relevant categories....

Learning A New Skill - Not What You Expected?

Learning A New Skill - Not What You Expected?

“Learning is a series of steps”  says Zoë B,(Tiny Buddha) a strategist, coach and author of the SimpleLifeStrategies blog.

I posted this in the spirit of having recently posted articles about free online courses for the new academic year..but also there is so much involved about learning new skills while looking for a job,,you will learn new thinga about yourself, and what you can do and want to do all the time you are I love Tiny Buddha !

Career transition..2

In the present economic situation, more and more people people are forced to take any kind of work that pays, rather than what they would like to do.

Some still think about changing professions, just because they feel like a change from the field they currently work in, however the chance to change, especially if you are in work is not as tempting today as it once may have been. My mother back in the 60's and 70's used to just hand in her resignation and have a bit of a break if she fancied looking for something else. For my father, although the reason for the change was always motivated by more money, he did indeed change jobs every few years .

Changing careers has advantages and disadvantages.On one hand there is the thought of maybe being able to do the job you really want to do, that dream job. However, there can be many obstacles to getting into a job that is a more current , modern career than what you did before and you do not really have the skills or background for it. This is one of the effects of the change through the years from an industrial economy to a technology based one. The skills required are different. However, if you are adaptable, you possibly can make some sort of transition from the old job to some new one.
A good idea when starting out ont the process of changing or looking for a new job is to identify and write down your skills. Google Identify your skills and you will find lots of sites to help you do this, with advice and skills tests.

Then next work out what sort of job you would like to have. Of course for many these days, facing welfare benefit cuts, perhaps being disabled and yet forced by welfare reform to claim Jobseekers Allowance and look for a job, or have your benefits sanctioned, this may not be about what sort of job you fancy , but anything that you can do.

Again, Google, 'What job can I do' and you will find lots of guidance and direction that may be useful. There you will also find 'what job can i do from home and make money'

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...and on a more lighthearted note that might be a bit of fun....what job can i do quiz

Valerie Hedges

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

All change ?? ...your career in middle age

Are you like me,  finding yourself looking for a new job in middle age ? Well, it isn't perhaps the most optimum time but here are a few things to think about

looking for a new job whatever your age can be  can be exciting and daunting all at once but making a change when older can be a lot more worrying and uncertain, it is easy to lose the optimism of youth

One of the reasons for this currently is that you may well not be in a position to look for a dream job,
 you simply more likely need any job.especially if under threat of benefit sanctions from a government employment programme

Making a job search when you are older

 Looking for a job  in later life when you were expecting   to be moving towards retirement is quite a daunting prospect. As a job centre adviser told me recently 'Ageism is illegal but it is there' ...and most of us know it.You may, like me have spent many years in a career which now t hat you are older and your health has changed , you can no longer manage and you find yourself with no preparation for the may also be used to being at the top of your tree.

you do need to be realistic about what a new job might have to be and if you are being realistic in expecting to get a certain job you apply for.

you may of course not be trying to keep one step ahead of the jobcentre and just fancy a change for the later stage of your working life....but again be realistic.Have a think before giving up a job that may have benefits in it when you may just be that you need to break a general cycle of boredom.

If you really do have to get a new job then go for it have no other option. take a skills check on what skills and experience you have to offer, and take advantage of any training that is available..Consider your financial status especially, indeed for many this will be the deciding factor, before taking any steps.

Its all in the planning

counting the pennies

Many older people looking for jobs are married and have children., even if they are in their teens eg at Uni, So one of the things to consider when planning a career change is that one should be financially stable and have enough money, to support them through this period and make the transition smoothly. On the other hand, you may be alone and entirely responsible for your bills and the costs of your home..If you have taken any kind of loan such as a mortgage or a personal loan, or you have rent to pay, make sure that you have sufficient funds in your bank account to pay for its instalments for at least a year. It used to be advised that people kept three months living expenses in the bank, but considering how long it can take to get job now, and the fact that nobody can rely on making a successful benefit claim, a far greater security net is useful if you can provide for it.

There was a time when people turned down a job because they had been on benefits and were getting the add ons that came with it , such as in the UK council tax benefit and free prescriptions. It turned out by the time they gave all that up they were so they felt better off not working. This is no longer an option , under the new benefit rules and sanctions you really are forced to take any job  so it is worth looking at what you may be able to claim if the wages are not high.and to help you through coming off benefits and starting work.
There are now fewer benefits than there used to be to help people going  to work on low incomes...
Indeed, the governments answer to this now is to make you look for more work and/or ask to increase your hours, but if a benefit is available then if you are entitled to it and meet the criteria then claim it. look into what benefits if any you might qualify for eg working tax credits.


As already discussed , fewer people now have choices as to what job they take, but while on the job hunt it is helpful to know and understand your skills and talents, experiences...and your limits.I go to church quite regularly but it doesn't make me a vicar, my interest and knowledge of politics doesn't make me an MP , and my experiences with this blog have not got me the jobs as an employment adviser that I have applied for. Working in employment and recruitment is not about nice ladies in their fifties helping people look for a job. The companies in this field are out to get contracts and recruitment is a sales and marketing skill, accompanied preferably bi a qualification in IAG..information, advice and guidance.
There are fewer opportunities to do the IAG training now than there used to be because the government has cut funding to provide it, saying all this information that people need can be found on the internet. Look at what skills range and experience you have but be realistic about what job you can get..or will be forced to take.

Consider if you have skills and experience that you can use to become self employed or to freelance on the many freelance job sites

You need to be prepared to not give up when you need to get a job and are .older but it can be done.  You may well have to start at the beginning with a new and lower paid job, but being adaptable and open minded to new circumstances will help to make the change

Valerie Hedges

Monday, 24 September 2012

Midlife Career change

There are many individuals who think of changing their jobs in middle age, for many others it is not a case of thinking about it, there is no choice involved, they just have to get a job,for financial reasons which can include being denied sickness and disability benefits, being made redundant or the failure of pension schemes.
There are many aspects relevant to a middle age career change; they can be good or bad In some circumstances a person can and is in a position to do what he/she always desired, and have job fulfilment, but this is very unusual unless you are in a financial position to have choice. On the other hand he/she will have to deal with a number of hurdles which an older person encounters when he leaps into a new stage of career growth. A middle age professional move can be a excellent chance for a person to use his/her exclusive capability, skills and interests and do what you love doing the most.....

The following concepts could be beneficial in discovering options...

Ideas for Midlife Career Change

Forget considering the perfect job

There is nothing known as an ideal job in this world, every job has benefits of some kind, and they all have pitfalls. Reading and considering job headings, confuses the brain and prevents innovative , personal confines you.. Every job has some benefits and drawbacks and good and bad attributes. .

List your Interests

Identifying your interests is necessary , when starting a job search, and especially listing your skills and experience. If they match your interests then great, but do be realistic. You have bills to pay and as is seen by my writings, I have an interest in writing, I may even, in the eyes of an experienced person have some skill, but the Job centre are insisting that rather than becoming self employed, I must get a paid job as they know I am dependent on the help I get from the DWP to pay my mortgage, and that nowhere near covers it.....becoming self employed as a writer is not impossible, but I am unlikely to make enough money to cover my bills and come off benefits....sad, but have to be realistic.However , it is good to consider.what jobs you actually have , knowledge and enthusiasm for as well as the experience when starting your job search

People looking for a move , and in a position to have choice, shouldn't be put off, if the newly created self employed job is not able to pay the required income.It can be gradually increased if carried out with honest commitment and effort and it is going to be a fun trip because this is what was wanted and dreamt of for maybe many years..but you may well have to make a paid job with a salary your priority for some time.

List what is not needed from the Job

That can be quite simple because these are all the aspects which the existing job, or the one you had before does not have . Maybe you no longer need to work full time, perhaps you can take a drop in salary, a career downsize !!! Then record all the aspects that were missing in the existing or previous job, this will help you to create a better choice regarding upcoming job possibilities. Keeping in mind all these factors is very beneficial as it will help you to create a better choice in regards to your experience

Build a New Personality..But don't lie !!!

If individuals could go back in history and see all their different passions and the aspects they were actually excellent at, many of them wouldn't spend valuable years working in the wrong job. You need to understand what an advertiser wants. As you read a job vacancy , adapt your CV to the role, looking at your transferable skills and relevant experience, be brave and bold, and open but realistic to your job options.

Listen to the Heart

Midlife career changing for men and women is similarly challenging for both. However, I think it can be more so for women , not all of whom sail through the difficult middle years with a bottle of HRT pills. Many of them are no longer fit enough to do the the job they did, frequently the care professions, but they still have many years until they get their pensions, the value of which is decreasing in any case. But let's ignore all the problems and pressure and think of a desire.

Be Versatile in Picking a Career

Always be prepared to agree to a professional chance, even if it comes by means of a little job...perhaps part time, maybe not what you would have first thought of as a job you could do. Always keep in mind the perspective should be least positive. Sometimes little changes can effect lifestyle in a big way. Never just assume that a larger job is a better job. Midlife career change is about discovering as far as finances permit, what's right for yourself.

Once you know which jobs to apply for, start on your first or basic CV, which will then be adapted to fit applications..but have a basic CV ready to work on for each application
Opting for career guidance is also a smart concept if available and affordable and it has gained popularity.

However, you don't need a professional mentor....there is plenty of free advice on the web via on line job banks such as Total jobs and Monster Career guidance actually shows a better image in the brain and makes decision-making more tangible. I hope this article on middle age career change concepts has made the process at least a little less daunting.

Valerie Hedges

Credit to :
By Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Last Updated: 2/20/2012

Saturday, 22 September 2012

13 Ways To Enjoy Your Life Without Spending A Lot Of Money

13 Ways To Enjoy Your Life Without Spending A Lot Of Money

Some readers may have noticed that at weekends I like to lighten the tone and find ideas for some free or at least cheap ways to have fun..its really important to still make the weekends feel special and a bit of a break from the what can become a full time job in itself...job hunting. Indeed, the opinion of the Jobcentre is that while claiming benefits your job is job hunting. .. True, you might well have an application deadline, but its still good to have a change of mental view and to keep a broad range of interests and activities , its good for bothe mental and physical health...job hunting, living on a very tight budget, dealing with debts are  huge strains and the coping with it all can result in a hamster on a wheel life....and high blood pressure....

Remember, that quite often on an application form, or at an interview you will be asked what are your interests and hobbies....employers like to know that they are getting a well rounded and balanced person..and also connections that you make in your out of job hunting life can indeed lead to  that job !!!

Obviously, some of the ideas here need some adapting depending on individual circumstances such as where you, I would not be able to go and walk on the beach as I live nowhere near the seaside and cannot afford to go there, but there are many lovely walks nearby....


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Friday, 21 September 2012

Job hunting tips

Are you finding yourself older, definitely not as some job applications describe the office environment, young and funky ... but needing to look for a job? Did you just recently lose your job and are looking for another. ? Are you unemployed and have little experience regarding current ways to secure a job? Whatever your situation may be, it would be to your advantage to study the following tips:

Check your resume (CV) for mistakes and update it

Before submitting your resume to a prospective employer, check your resume for corrections at least three times before handing it over, or submitting it on line. Some job sites offer a link to a free resume evaluation. After researching about the job position, it is critical that you format your resume to match the needs of the company., i.e adapt your generic resume to be job specific. For example, if you are applying for an accounting job, you should put in detail your accounting experience on your resume. Typographical and grammatical errors are serious no-no's. It is also ideal to keep the length of the resume' to at least a page and a half long but no longer than two pages

Taking the interview challenge

A survey conducted by a staffing and consulting firm based in California which corresponded with 1,400 chief financial officers concluded that candidates for employment made most of their mistakes on their interviews. Some of the mistakes they made include: arriving late, having little knowledge about the company and the position applied for, and having a superiority complex and behaving arrogantly. The body language of the applicant must also denote that he is confident yet not overpowering. He must maintain eye contact, have a strong handshake, and avoid looking defensive by the act of crossing the arms. Wearing the right clothes is crucial for projecting a confident stance. As they say, it is better to go to an interview over-dressed than being under-dressed.

Answer questions smartly

A common mistake of interviewees is that they tend to get tense and forget the questions that are given to them, which has the effect that they are not prepared for the interview. It is important to research about the company and the position applied for to prevent being side-tracked during the interview. If you do not know the answer to the questions being asked, it is better to admit you don't know the answer to the question and add that you can research about it. Look for the skills or expertise that the company is looking for so that when interview day comes and the interviewer asks about your strengths and core competencies, you will be able to match it to what they need.

Getting the necessary referrals

Having a referral from one of the company employees can go a long way toward landing an interview. Research the company while applying and waiting for an interview and see if you have any contacts and links in your social media connections .A typical company may receive job applications in the hundreds and usually 35% to 60% of all job vacancies are filled by referrals. The odds of getting hired when you have a referral are very high if you have another 200 to 500 applicants vying for the same position. If you do not know anyone from the company that may give you a referral, it is a good idea to go to the alumni network of your college, trade groups, social networks, and professional associations. Remember, having a referral greatly increases your chances of getting the position. Of course, there is the likelihood that you are asked on an application form if you are related to or know any employees or board members. In that case, declare it, and research the company on line and by asking your contact relevant questions that would be permitted generally, and then take your references from contacts in the same field if possible.i.e job related references

On on line application

With the current trend of technology and its merging with business processes, more and more companies are now requiring prospective applicants to submit their application on line. Thus, first impressions are relayed not by your first appearance but by the quality and content of your e-mail. E-mails regarding job application should be polished and well-articulated. When applying on-line, use the following tips:

Complete your sentences and do not abbreviate.

Employers do not like when you send them application letters that seem to be too casual. or are obviously computer generated.It is important to make a letter that is both formal and well written. This gives a good impression regarding your capabilities and skills.

Get directly to the point

When writing an application letter, you must be concise and straightforward. Do not put a story on the letter just to get the attention of the employer, chances are he or she will just get irritated with you and this only reduces your chances of getting hired.

Consider potential issues that may hinder you from getting the job

Although there are instances wherein there is a lot of need for a job, and you are desperate to apply for anything you believe you can do , the requirements for the position may entail training programmes that without it may bar you from getting the position due to its highly competitive nature. Some require a lot of experience even at least 3 years and more of work experience. Some may have no barriers to entry but the job itself may entail a work flow. That you cannot do, eg heavy physical realistic in what you apply for.

Getting the job you want may be a challenge but never lose hope. It is better to wait a while if possible,, unless under Job centre and benefit restrictions and demands to take any work, and get the job that you will enjoy rather than get a job as soon as possible but ending up dissatisfied and unhappy. Make the right decision then act on it.

Valerie Hedges

Thursday, 20 September 2012

BBC - Skillswise - Finding a new job

BBC - Skillswise - Finding a new job

Improve your chances as a job hunter, by knowing what skills are required in the current employment market ..... also links to information on skills you will need in self employment....., the private and public sector such as retail and teaching....All on the Skillswise site .....

BBC - Skillswise - Homepage

BBC - Skillswise - Homepage....

 Lnks to basic English and maths  exercises with down loadable and printable work sheets. The link to the English and maths skills for work video is really good and a great insight  into what skills employers expect , explaining what at least basic standards are needed in what is now a very competitive employment market.

I have hinted in a previous Post that maths is not my strong point , so I had a go at the maths section and will work through it !! The explanation of a number line and how it can be used to help you understand addition and subtraction was very clear...

Bearing in mind that changes to funding and education required minimum standards will have made a difference to some of the information..the find a course link is still very helpful.....

The Webwise link takes you to links to everything from computer basics  IE getting  to know a computer , Social media basics and through to the WebWise Online Course, which suggests this is an introductory course, yet it allows you to link to a BBC portal, where you can go on to get an IT qualification.....

Nutrocker's Free Online Courses

Nutrocker's Free Online Courses

....The BBC also offers a range of online-based courses that you can work through at your own pace...Have a look at what's on offer and see if there's anything that takes your fancy.....

However this link to the BBC adult education site takes you to a page which says it has not been updated since October 2010, but a bit more clicking and you discover that the BBC has a policy to keep pages available while they can still be useful and as long as the information is not out of date and therefore might be dangerous ...Do not fear that cuts which have affected the BBC too have put paid too their activities in education..there appears to be a newer site which I will explore later......

I am not to be honest too sure how many of these courses are officially recognised and have certificates, but in the past I have come across some that have the facility to print off a certificate ..which if not much help otherwise does make you feel good !!! Even if the courses are more about learning the basics in skills that you did not have before  such as IT, Maths and English may turn out to be very beneficial , since free training is now far more rationed than it was....

Valerie Hedges

50 Famously Successful People Who Failed At First | Online College Tips – Online Colleges

50 Famously Successful People Who Failed At First | Online College Tips – Online Colleges

just goes to show that success can come after lots of failure, hard work, waiting and that it can indeed come to us at a later age

Learning is a Series of Steps: 7 Tips to Master a New Skill

Learning is a Series of Steps: 7 Tips to Master a New Skill

The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning, you’re not old.” ~Rosalyn S. Yalow

This is really an article about learning to drive but addresses the fear that can be involved in learning something new....

Free courses

Gaining new relevant qualifications for the job that you want, or updating skills you already have, eg IT skills is one of the best ways for the older person to be able to show an employer that they are up to date with the modern work force, and can learn new skills. However, in recent years it has become increasingly difficult to find free courses, and to be eligible for them. College's which used to offer free studying to those on benefits or pensioners have now moved the criteria, and it can be that there now is a fee, which might be low but people on benefits just cannot afford it, or it can be that if you already have a level 2 standard qualification then you cannot get free training for many courses, even if it is a subject that you would benefit from having a qualification in.

EG, I have O level English, and an NNEB Nursery Nursing qualification but I do not have the basic skill core subject of O level Maths, and have frequently found that colleges offering an O level standard equivalent maths course are unable to offer me a free place, as  I have the equivalent of level 2 qualifications, even if it is in a career subject that I can no longer work in.

However, there are opportunities for free courses on line....The open University for this academic year 2012 has been forced by the government to completely change its free structure.bringing it into line with  general university fees . This was a big blow to the open university and its students because it showed a complete disrespect by this government for the ethos and history of the OU, established under Labour party administration for the very purpose of enabling people to get a degree who otherwise  would not, or for various reasons had previously been unable to study at university level...such as  myself....

Previously to this change, it could almost be assumed that if you were unemployed , then your studying was free..this year's fee structure is far too complex for me to attempt to explain here, and there are individual factors affecting what you will pay, with a combination of routes to pay for your studies....what does stand out is that for the first time this year, OU students are eligible for student loans, which  would become repayable on the student earning £21,000 per year. However, I do not know how this would affect someone in my position , who would love to have a degree, but for whom the government could easily refuse a student loan  on the grounds that a degree is hardly essential to a woman of fifty three who is being told by the DWP to get a job in spite of having arthritis, partial sight and a heart condition amongst the most notable of her health conditions , or she will be put on the work programme (which I am just about to begin attending ) and have to work in a £1 shop for nothing..I have a feeling that you don't any longer get sent to Tesco's to stack shelves since Tesco's opted out of the scheme at risk of some very bad publicity from benefit claimants .....since I am basically being told that I am to do any job and if that be cleaning etc  and the physical effort kills me, then so be it ,  I won't be the first person killed as a result of this governments welfare sanctions, but I am to get a job or lose my benefits... then to be honest even I have to admit I hardly could be said to need a degree.....

I never thought I would see again the circumstances that surrounded my educational options in the seventies, when my dreams of university were literally beaten out of me physically by my mother ,my crime being to jump out of my at the time I saw this as being child abuse but to be honest in hindsight, which I mentioned in yesterdays posting , I wouldn't say it is a wonderful thing but it does give understanding ..I do wonder now that I am older and wiser and have more understanding of the financial and class based limitations people face ...did perhaps my mother know exactly what my options were in a way that I didn't ? I'm never one to knock the contrary  I could have got a degree in that , but to be honest, it often is not our own personal aims and ambitions that shape our options, but our  financial circumstances , and the my mother discovered in 1937, when she was the first in her family to pass the eleven plus , but there was no grammar school place for her , as her mother could not afford the uniform. I consider this to have been a  very cruel system as she was set up to fail and as a family, we still suffer from her experience today...but I can see this sort of situation becoming increasingly common in the years ahead...

If you do wish to study at University level, it is worth going to the website of the Open university and reading the fees information, where there are also financial assessment facilities, where you get an idea of what help and options might be available....I will be posting other possible options for free on line courses...

On the subject of my O  level Maths..or rather the lack of it !! and as O levels and their reintroduction is big in the news just now....knowing that maths was not my first love or a subject I found easy, I sat the subject at CSE level..the problem being that I twice failed to get the grade 1, which was considered to at least be the equivalent of an O level pass..albeit not  a top grade...the difficulty was that it was not easy in  any CSE subject to get a grade 1, even in subjects in which I was Social Studies, where again I got a grade 2... I was encouraged by my teachers to sit  O level, maths  which they considered I had a greater chance of passing, but I refused, not having the confidence....nor a mastery of Trigonometry !!

Having experienced a two tier system of qualifications, I would vote every time, if given the chance to retain the GCSE system....providing that is, the issue is addressed of students being given the impression that it is impossible to fail, and that low grades were no longer considered to be a pass.

Valerie Hedges

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Career Stages

Do you ever wonder why some peoples careers progreess smoothly and at apace throughtout their lives and others come to a standstill ?? mine at the I am speaking from experience and with the wisdom of hindsight !!,,A very useful idea is to be prepared to see your career as life stages, in the same way as we pass through different ages and are able to do different things, but not we crawl. then walk …..things change...

I have come to this conclusion as I am aware that what I did and did well for over twenty years, so well that it is still in fact the only work I actually get offered, even though I haven't done it for over ten years....childcare, is something that physically there is no chance of my being able to manage.

This is going to become an increasingly common scenario...If I was currently employed, the earliest even under present rules, and we expect them to change again, that I would be able to claim my pension is sixty-seven. I was still a comparitively fit nursery nurse when I used to laugh with my colleagues at the image of seventy year old nursery nurses..... The fact is that women especially are affected by the raising of the pension age because it is frequently women who are in the care related professions, which become increasingly stressful for a woman to physically manage as she gets older, even if she is in good health.

Actually, I didn't always want to be a nursery nurse at all...I wanted to teach, but family circumstances meant that it was not possible for me to continue my education and go to University.Yes, I had all the dreams and plans as people do ,of going to evening classes and getting to Uni via an Access course,....but being at nursery with shifts sometimes starting at 7.15 am and not getting home until the same time in the evenings, with activities to prepare ...the evening classes didn't happen, and to quote the famous saying about hindsight.... it is indeed a wonderful thing, and would be good if you had it before rather than being wise after the event....I really wish that I had stopped to consider that physcically I might not always be able to work with young children, and in effect stored up a few alternative future careers by learning other skills, instead of it now being a race between my gaining new skills and getting work that physically I can do, and Jobcentreplus stopping my Jobseekers allowance.....having already been refused sickness benefits in spite of... considerable health issues which affect the work I can do...

Its very good both mentally and for the effect on physical health to feel in control, to feel that we have options... and to have a sense of direction ,and this is very relevent to our careers. Increasingly with benefits being denied and removed, more and more people will find themselves with no choice as to what work they take, they will just have to take whatever job is there or is forced on them by the Depertment of work and pensions....Its really beneficial to take a career check in the same way as we would take a look at our finances and decide if an invstment is still working for us...

.It is important to have realistic career plans with a reasonable chance of it actually happening, in order for us to attain at least a level of job satisfaction in what we are able to do even if it wasn't our first career choice...I know that I have spent a lot of actually pointless time regretting that my first career choce wasn't possible....had I understood my family background more, then I might have been aware that further education was not possible for me, but that sort of recognition is a tall order for any child who dreams dreams.....Your plan needs to be realistic and able to allow for changes of direction.

If at all possible , it is good to undertake any classes and training that might be useful for any career change that you think you might make in later life, as well as career deveopment training for your current job. Think about jobs you might like to do and what skills, training and experience you will need, as well as the job you are doing...especially if you see yourself considering self employment.

Valerie Hedges

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Taking inventory of skills, interests - The Boston Globe

Taking inventory of skills, interests - The Boston Globe

 After 35 years in the insurance industry, many of them as a claims adjuster, Bill Kirchmann was laid off during the worst recession since the Great Depression. Jobs were scarce, and he knew he might need to change careers. He was 57 years old.
 Bill Kirchmann, in the search for a new career, says, 'I feel very positive. You look at where you are and go forward. Go forward.'

Blogs for job hunting

  1. Applicant.....
Front page suggests the main focus is the American economy and its influence on the job market, but don't be put off...this is a great blog with a huge database of resources for the job hinter such as 60 resources for anyone looking for a job.and archives going back to 2009 with still very relevant timeless articles such as It takes seconds to kill your brand image in social media...... ....
 Newspaper style blog with links that are relevent both locally and worlwide....See The job seekers support group, A look at the 10 types of people you need in your job-search network and why each is important.and Career Transitions....How workers acquire new skills or update old ones will often depend on their ages. Find out what to do in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Unemployed jobseeker: Some days I feel ashamed to be a father - Telegraph

Unemployed jobseeker: Some days I feel ashamed to be a father - Telegraph

 Keith Parkin, an unemployed job-hunter from Basingstoke, tells Louisa Peacock what it is like to have a young daughter but no job. 

Keith Parkin, 53, is an out-of-work engineer who is looking for a senior management job in the engineering and manufacturing industry.
He has begun a video diary with the Telegraph charting the ups and downs of searching for a new job and what it is like to be in his early fifties and unemployed.
In this video, Keith describes his frustration at not being able to find a decent job and questions whether his age is getting in the way of recruitment.
Like many jobseekers aged 50 or over, Keith has regularly been told he is "over-qualified" for work, which he believes could be code for age discrimination......

Video diary: My week as an unemployed job hunter - Telegraph

Video diary: My week as an unemployed job hunter - Telegraph

 The professional engineer from Basingstoke has begun a video diary for the Telegraph charting the ups and downs of being unemployed and over 50.

Common CV mistakes people make - Telegraph

Common CV mistakes people make - Telegraph

 The most common mistakes candidates make when applying for a job.

Applying for a new job can be daunting, especially if you have been out of work for a while or are unfamiliar with technology and uploading a CV online.
Here are seven CV dos and don'ts:....

Job search links

Now this is the bit that many people when looking for a job want to jump is indeed very important , but its good to remember that while waiting to get that job, there is a lot that you can do to make yourself more employable, its like learning to walk before you run....many of the well known job search sites also have great career advice, CV help etc....

  • CV library is a fantastic site with not just job searches but a Career Centre, where you can access how to get a job, how to write a CV and help with covering letters, interview tips ..and.... a social media centre :-)..job searching, especially if you are doing it online at home can get very lonely....
  • Enter the job title you are looking for eg Admin bring up details of jobs on the Guardian jobs site

  • Monster jobs has one of the biggest job boards and search facility In addition they also have one of the biggest sources of career and job application help like blogs....The whole site seems to be headed with categories of ....Home, Resume, Jobs, Career tools, advice and communities....Under the Resume heading I found , along with the upload or create a CV facility found on most similar sites,  loads of advice for writing your CV ( Resume) the following heading and link   
with advice on how to 'Age proof your resume'....saying You can't turn back time -- but you can make sure your resume looks current and attractive to hiring managers, no matter what your age.....    Put Your Education to Work on Your Resume offers suggestions of how to put your education to its best advantage on your CV, including non  academic experience and Resume Dilemma: Employment Gaps and Job-Hopping.....How to Handle a Spotty Work History offers suggestions for covering employment gaps or if you have had a varied career history..... Every page seems to lead to other links so there is a lot to dip into but many articles immediately jump out as worth reading sooner rather than later..such as 10 Ways to Keep Busy Between Jobs

With resume gaps now the norm, workers should pay attention to how they use spent time between jobs. The reason is simple: Employers want to know how job candidates spent their time when they were out of work. Learning? Travelling? Moping? Unless you project the image of a can-do job seeker, you're likely to have a tough time bouncing back from periods of unemployment. "What they are looking for is that you were productive with your time,.... Further time spent finding my way around the site I realised that the links you click on open up under  the relevant heading.....there are loads of categories of resume help and sample resumes for all sorts of job titles that can be used as a template for your application...... The first blog that you will be linked to at is the original one since Monster moved the site to in December 2011. However, at the moment at least, the original site is available too. On this original site are archives with useful articles and a list of recent posts before the site moved including Can Facebook Get You a Job?  The categories list includes careers at 50+ . while the current blog is hosted at    the  latest posting when I was on the site is a timely  fire up your job search this fall.... ..... fall can be an excellent time to jump on your job search.....and I notice myself that here in the UK as Autumn commences there are in spite of the longest recession for years and thousands chasing every advertised job, more jobs available than at other times of the year..ready for the new year that starts in Autumn, such as  the new school year etc...after the summer holiday period.There is another blogrole full of resources and sites to visit and archives going back to 2003...  


Lets start at the very beginning...your CV

Lets start at the very beginning...your CV is what you are all about and it tells employers what you can do and what you have to offer, and everyone no matter how long they have not been in paid employment has something to offer, we all have experience in something. Very often the CV will be the very first impression an employer has the chance to get of you....A CV, is initially for b eing able to see where you are at in the job hunting market, and maybe recognize where you might have some gaps and could make yourself more employable, and then once you have a CV, you will learn how to tweak it to be suitable for any job you apply for......

It isn't often these days that something good comes from the government, but surprisingly this site
  has lots of helpful advice and ideas about how to make yourself more employable and how to look for work..There is also a section devoted to older workers....

The issues facing older job hunters

Working longer, past retirement age or indeed getting a new job and returning to work is now a matter of no choice for many older people. They simply have no option with the retirement age raised and the value of savings having fallen.

 One of the biggest issues older workers face is if they are not in a job they will be allowed to stay in, then where are they supposed to work? No matter how many equality laws are brought into being age discrimination in the world of employment is rife.

I guess that one thing we do have to do as older job seekers and something which will help us to come across to employers as positive people who actually want to work is that we have to not feel bitter and angry about being in this position. Governments and regimes come and go and this is how it is, we have to work for longer and at least for a very long time nothing will change it.

One of the first and best things to do to give ourselves a chance of being employable is to keep up to date with technology, both in our original field of work, learning and expertise and others. This is important because it shows that we can keep up to date with developments in our field but also that you can change if necessary to do other things … make transferable skills… and that we are adaptable and can learn new things.

An example of this is that even if I was fit enough now at 52 to still be a nursery nurse, there might still have come a time before too long when it was just not practical or sensible and possible for me to remain in that field of work…and yet I am at least by today’s pension rules, thirteen years off being able to get my pension. IT skills are one of the skills sets with the longest shelf life in an employee…as long as you stay up to date you can do it…However, with many jobs obviously the older we get the harder it becomes to do it.

Sometimes an older employee looking for a job can perhaps even without knowing it come across a touch arrogant, with the attitude that they have lots of experience and a manager is lucky to have them …these days we have to remember that thousands are looking for work and many of the people applying for the job that we are applying for will be younger, with more current and recent experience. We have a big job itself on our hands to get through the application, selection and interview process and convince an employer who can pick from hundreds of applicants that we are the best person for the job.

Of course many people are indeed in the dire situation financially where they will indeed just have to take any job they are offered, but if at all possible it is much better to not give the idea to an employer that this is the case, because it makes us look like we just want any job which will last until we an get our pensions and that we won’t really have any true enthusiasm for the job.

Something which can seem very tempting and I should know because here I am trying to do it, is the idea of setting ourselves up in business and thinking that we will use the experience we have had in employment and that it is enough experience and knowledge to be able to work for ourselves. This might seem especially tempting with government schemes and grants’ encouraging older people to start up their own businesses… or rather to try to. As my website and blog develops I will be producing articles and information about starting a business, much of it of course coming from my own progress or not as the case may be, and what resources I have found, used and found helpful or not. As I am indeed myself attempting to create the job for myself that nobody else will give me, I hardly feel able to warn others with the same hope and enthusiasm of the pitfalls...Let’s just say at this stage that I certainly do not expect it to be easy or to be a millionaire next year. It is going to be a long hard process indeed but a great achievement should it work out…

One of the most important and beneficial things that we can do as older people looking for jobs or indeed trying to start up a venture is to ‘network, network, network because with age against us we need all the positive feedback from people who have been impressed with our skills, experience and attitude as we can possibly get…stay in contact and make new contacts. Keep up  to date and in touch with the world of work and employment, both in your area of expertise and others and take up opportunities like courses and volunteer experience…belong to clubs and societies for our interests and keep up hobbies. Job hunting is itself a job, but it is so helpful and beneficial to our CV’ and self esteem and morale to have interests and things to do while waiting for a job opportunity to commence.



Older workers can't get into job market

Older workers can't get into job market | Marketplace from American Public Media

Older workers can't get into job market | Marketplace from American Public Media

This is an article from the American Public Media marketplace but still has some very interesting and relevant points and comments

Mature Job Seekers, tips for their job search -

Mature Job Seekers, tips for their job search -

 Older people invariably get work because they need the cash flow. The great myth of 'retirement' is that you can then settle down and vegetate, awash with money and the rest of the middle class rarely happens that way. Retirement schemes, retirement money, and the superannuation plans designed decades ago often don't measure up to the realities of the present.
Other people downscale for personal reasons. Some people, and not necessarily older workers, downscale because they need the space in their lives, or just some peace. The stress of some jobs is dangerous to people's health, and managing families or lives isn't really that simple. ..

.....Plus of course many people at the start of their working lives expected to retire at 60 or 65 and have seen those goalposts moved......

The Times they are a changin'

The Times They Are A Changin' so sang Bob Dylan in the 1960's, and they are certainly very changed from what we expected our futures to be when we as the so called 'baby boomers' were at school. We went to work and then expected to get our pensions at 60 or 65, and it was not unusual to have been in the same job since leaving school.

Some of us will choose to work for longer because of the contacts and friendships work and the benefits a routine of going to work gives to us, but many more will be in the position of having no choice but to work, indeed to even be looking for a job when they are well past 50, and would have been thinking not of starting a new job, but looking forward to retirement a few years off. Often, because we are older this means looking for work while coping with health problems too, but the governments crackdown on sickness related benefits again means that many in such a position are forced ,as indeed I have been, to look for work....

My blog is about my experiences while looking for a job and I hope that some of the links and information might help you too...

The Times They Are A changin'

Gather 'round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown
And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'

Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen Keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again
Don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin'

For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they, they are a-changin'

Come senators, Congressmen Please heed the call Don't block at the doorway Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There's a battle outside And it's ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'

Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land Don't criticize What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one If you can't lend a hand For your times they are a-changin'

The line it is drawn And the curse it is cast The slow one now Will later be fast
As the present now Will later be past The order is Rapidly fadin'
And the first one now Will later be last For the times they are a-changin'
