Thursday 6 July 2017

Tips to successfully multi task

Getting back time is all about having more time to do the things you enjoy in life, being able to plan and maximise your day better and get more work done and leisure time.

You’re going to try and start spending time doing things you love such as being with your family, watching great TV and pursuing your personal goals/projects. Maybe like me you will read more and write, write a blog, journaling…or whatever it is that you enjoy doing and it’s even better if doing it makes you some money, such as doing online surveys.

But the way you go about this might be a little different from what you expect. Forget all the strategies you read about that tell you how to save ‘ten minutes a day’ or ‘an hour a day’. These cut off a little time at best and few of us stick to them. An extra hour a day is often spent in bed!!!

Instead, ask yourself how you can get more value out of the time you’re currently using, learn how to successfully multi task ….

One of the best ways to get more from your time is to multitask. You can’t multitask with jobs that require your full attention such as DRIVING, but any job that can be done ‘mindlessly’ can be paired with any job that doesn’t require use of your body. E.g. you can watch the TV and check your emails at the same time, and type a blog article ...that makes three things done in one time slot, have the dinner simmering in the crock pot and that makes four. You can do your social media tasks while doing other things too. Boring things such as ironing can be made less so by maybe making that phone call to a friend on speaker phone while you do it

Go through your job search emails while watching TV , that way you get to keep up with your favourite programmes and check those important job alerts too , then flag the ones you need to go back to, to complete an application .

Another great strategy is to do things with friends. Staying in touch and maintaining correspondence takes time. So instead of worrying about fitting it in, why not turn a boring job – the weekly shop, your workout – into something you can do with a friend?

If you commute on the train or bus, then you can absolutely make more use of this time. How about using it when you can get a seat, to read a great book or complete the task of checking your emails for the day?

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