Friday, 28 July 2017

Automate Your Lifestyle

Automation is a term that means you set up a system that handles a task or part of it for you, like your washing machine. This allows you to spend more time doing other things.

Another example is to use an automated assembly line to create a product rather than doing it by hand. This saves many hours and means  that you can produce 10x or 100x the amount of product to sell and up your profits .You can also do this in your personal life and  increase your free time.

Here are some ways you can do that:

Shop Online

Shopping online and setting up standing orders is a great way to save time that you would otherwise spend going to the shops and the bank and mail. At the very least you should if you can, and it does seem from chats I have with friends that home delivery for groceries in the USA is not such a well-used and available service as it is in the UK … but if you can, then use this for your regular grocery shop and this way you can get a shop delivered directly to your door  without having to go out! This can save 2, 3 or 4 hours a week!

You can also of course order gifts., as one off events for Christmas and birthdays or do you want to make sure your partner gets sent flowers every year on your anniversary? That’s actually quite easy to arrange!

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

If you can’t afford a cleaner, then consider a robotic vacuum cleaner. These so some claims make … will move around your home all on their own making sure to reach every small patch of floor to vacuum up crumbs, dust, dirt and anything else that gets on your carpet or wooden floor. If you are not too sure about the merits of a robotic vacuum cleaner, but are in the fortunate position to afford a cleaner then why not …. you could get more tasks done by the cleaner such as ironing and give someone a job.

You can also get robotic lawn mowers that do the same job but outside!


In the kitchen, there are tons of things that can save you time such as a food processor and slow cooker.

Or if you want an even more automated service, consider signing up to a company that delivers healthy meals to your door every day. These exist and can actually save you hours while improving your health and energy levels!

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