Often, no matter how great the need, perhaps for financial, health or domestic reasons, the stress associated with a career change stops people from pursuing it or even considering it, but if you do not go for it then you stay where you are and maybe also lose what you have with nothing in line to replace it. The stress can be felt as being due to perhaps the need to move to a different location, finding a new home and resettling your family and /or moving away from family and friends.
Good research and planning and being prepared can help to make the process easier. Be sure that any job you are taking offers all that you need, especially if you are making a move to a different location to take it. Check out terms and conditions such as medical insurance and any relocation payments. Think about things such as if the salary can finance new living accommodation, schools for children, and the local community for chances to make new contacts and friends. Check out doctors and activities you may have enjoyed in your previous community such as worship groups and sport and leisure facilities.
To not know for sure if you are making the right decision can be a huge cause of stress, but career histories have long since stopped being one job for life. Any training that you need for a new job is a benefit as it can be added to your CV/resume and useful again in the future.
If you need them to make your career change then look online or in the community for help with writing resumes/CV’s, looking for jobs and interview skills and any necessary training. Being well prepared for your career change, whether it be because of health, age, redundancy or just fancying a change is stressful but can be made a lot easier by good planning and preparation.