you find it hard to be positive and always fear the worst? are you always anxious?
People who are positive tend to enjoy life more and be happier than those who are
negative. Those who are positive are
also usually more successful in business and life in general, things tend to
work out better for them, indeed sometimes being positive even seems to have
had a bearing on whether someone lives or dies and how well they recover from
serious illness.
people these days are negative thinkers, though this is hardly surprising with
the level of issues such as unemployment, financial problems, housing issues,
family breakdown etc and the rate of those suffering anxiety and depression is
on the rise with fewer and fewer health and social care resources and support available
to help them due to funding cuts to health authorities and local council’s
social services and mental health budgets.
look at some of the reasons why you should try to be as positive as you can ….
Positive thinkers aim high and are more likely to reach their goals. Negative thinkers often don't believe they
will reach them and because of this belief they often don't. If you want to have high goals and succeed at
reaching them then it certainly helps to be a positive thinker.
Positive thinkers can be better at handling failure and using it to their
advantage, they are not so easily crushed and more likely to bounce back than
some negative people, though I do not for a moment doubt the courage of those
who tend to be more negative by nature and sometimes this negativity is born of
realism and experience. Rather than being negative, they are being real and know
that they cannot at least for now have or do what they want, to be real and be
accepting and being content where you are and with what you have can give peace
of mind at least. Many years back I had to accept that I could not and would
not be leaving school to go to University, now at the age of 57 I am studying
for a BA Social Sciences with The Open University.
Positive thinkers can have a happier outlook on life while negative thinkers often
see the worst in a situation. Being positive attracts positive into your life.
Also, positive thinkers spread their positivity to those they meet.
4. People who are positive attract other people to them. People want to be around positive people; they don't want to be around negative people that have constant negative attitudes. It tends to be the positive people that are popular and have lots of friends because people enjoy being with them. I have spotted that this can be especially true of Facebook, which is a very useful tool for job-hunters ...unless that is you flood it with tales of woe and despair about your job and financial situation and stories about your problems with getting welfare , Facebook IS a useful tool for job seekers and entrepreneurs but on the whole people like and use Facebook to be happy . It can be frowned on too, to pour out too much of your life story on Facebook. Also, if you are a job seeker, please do remember that increasingly in recent years’ employers on receiving a resume / CV are looking up the applicant on social media to check them out.
4. People who are positive attract other people to them. People want to be around positive people; they don't want to be around negative people that have constant negative attitudes. It tends to be the positive people that are popular and have lots of friends because people enjoy being with them. I have spotted that this can be especially true of Facebook, which is a very useful tool for job-hunters ...unless that is you flood it with tales of woe and despair about your job and financial situation and stories about your problems with getting welfare , Facebook IS a useful tool for job seekers and entrepreneurs but on the whole people like and use Facebook to be happy . It can be frowned on too, to pour out too much of your life story on Facebook. Also, if you are a job seeker, please do remember that increasingly in recent years’ employers on receiving a resume / CV are looking up the applicant on social media to check them out.
Positive thinkers believe in themselves, can have greater self-confidence and a
belief that everything will be ok … Everything’s gonna be ok !! this too shall
pass are favourite sayings of a positive person I know fighting serious life
threatening illness. Even when faced with difficult challenges positive
thinkers remain positive that they will learn from those challenges and improve
themselves and their lives from their experience. They won't let a challenge bring them down,
but they will push on through and know that they will come out a better person
at the end.
I am not saying at all that a faith in God or any other creed is essential,
many people who do not have a belief of this kind are very positive people, but
it can help because there is a sense of being able to trust in a higher power
that whether the outcome be good or not so good, a higher power by whatever
name you call it is there and in control ...that it is God’s will and God will
provide and see you through ….
are just some of the advantages to being a positive thinker, others include benefits
to health such as lower blood pressure …. Everyone faces difficult moments in
their life; it is how you deal with it that decides whether those moments ruin
your life or whether they are an experience to learn from and turn into a positive.
Valerie Hedges
Valerie Hedges
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