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Friday, 9 November 2012

Just a few tips

Job Searching Tips

Don't put it off, keep at it so that you don't miss deadlines for good jobs. Use a system such as a spreadsheet to keep track of your applications
Employers are often negative towards candidates who have a career gap without explanation. Ensure you start job seeking straight away. ..and account for gaps in your employment history. Adapt your CV to cover gaps !!!

Identify your career interest. and exactly what sort of jobs you are applying for. If you apply for more than one job with the same company do be careful if they are different roles because it can make you look like a jack of all trades and master of none, or desperate for any job and not an expert in any of them.
Choose a key career path that interests you, as this will help you narrow and focus your job search.Although of course, especially if you are claiming benefits, you may have to keep some options open.
Always read the job description and person specification carefully before you apply, and familiarise yourself with the company by researching it online, asking people who may know about the company.
Check what should be included on your CV, adapt the CV for the job you are applying for.. Check you have covered all areas of a job description and person specification in an application form and then ensure all spelling and punctuation is correct.

Attend interviews
Attending interviews will help to build confidence and improve your interview technique. Even if you don't get the job it is interview practice !!!

Interview research and preparation
Find out the type of interview you are attending and whether it is likely to include things such as a presentation, or task such as typing tests. Research the organisation and specific job role prior to the interview. Show enthusiasm throughout and that you know what the job title requires and demands eg, there is a difference between an admin assistant and an office assistant...admin is a specialist role...research job titles before applying for a job.
Usually interviews are followed up after a couple of days. If you are unsuccessful ask for feedback as this will make you more aware for future interviews.

Stay positive
Try to stay positive throughout the whole job seeking approach, keep an optimistic outlook and remain motivated! It will show in your applications....Make sure that you fill your time, stay active and busy, keeping up activities and interests, and staying in circulation. Perhaps do voluntary work. Do not let employers think you have stayed in bed half the day.

On an International note....
f you are an international citizen seeking work in the UK, it is vital you check your visa status.Even many local applications will require a passport and /or other forms of identification.

Networking...keep your promises

The ability to network and make successful connections in which you are respected , may be one of the biggest assets in running a business or getting a job that you can have. It makes it possible for some people to succeed in getting opportunities they may never have had.

Networking entails hard work and consistency.

Before going to events that might give the opportunity for networking, or making on line connections, eg, 'liking' on Face book, find out as much about the event, or the issue and the people involved as possible. Do not end up just being a person who signs up to and likes every
thing you see, because you will end up being a Jack of all trades and master of none....Don't spread yourself too thin. An example is that people know me to be a Strong campaigner, but they also know my passions and what motivates them. They know, if they know me, that my passions are motivated by things I have some experience and knowledge of, such as the future of Iraq since the war..a country dear to my heart for personal reasons.People know that I am passionate about Legal Aid and access to justice for those unable to afford solicitors fees.

One of the most important things about networking is to remember that a large part of it is about being willing to make the time to help people, it isn't all about you and its certainly about giving as well as taking.If someone gives you a link or mention, you do the same for them.

Find out about, read and listen to peoples stories. Read, be prepared to listen to how people got to where they are today, because if you do this, then you will learn a lot about how to relate to them and how not to...its about understanding how people tick. A persons testimony can tell a great deal in regards to how someone organises themselves and their business or activities.The more you understand someones mentality the better you will partner with them, this works in every relationship in life, both personal and business, think of friendship....

As an example, some entrepreneurs pride themselves in and are driven to doing the job for 16-hour days and nights and carrying out whatever it takes, while others take a less demanding view. What you will gain is an understanding of what it might be like to work with such people.Some will work with others as a team of which you will be a part, others may give you an opportunity but you will be expected to do the work.I once had the opportunity to promote a book, I had all sorts of great ideas and thought I was doing so well and discovering a new talent. I had organised opportunities for book signings, appearances at literary festivals etc, not realising that the author had no intention of turning up at any events, it was my job to sell the book !!!

When a person questions, "What can you accomplish? " never offer a canned dialogue about your enterprise and career. Refer to something particular which identifies whom you truly are.

You have a passion for enjoying playing the guitar or perhaps an interest in antiques ? These are "things you choose to do, " so try to share these. These kinds of particular details might help lighten the atmosphere of business and get people chatting.

Keep a subscriber base.

Note down significant issues which come to your attention on line or during or after an event. And respond to them, it will really help your popularity as it shows you are paying attention and following developments, not just moving on to the next thing that interests you.Give opportunities for people to interact with you and your website.

If you make a promise to attend to an issue eg read something, comment, contribute, then do it.
Regardless of just how tiny the promise anyone produces from you -- like transmitting an email or 
perhaps returning a telephone call – do it to show your trustworthiness.

Treat the small business and one man with as much importance as the big business and as you would an important national contact figure. These actions will help you to keep up to date with keeping yourself in touch with your contacts and readership, and this will help your reputation and network to grow and gain you respect.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Ways that volunteering can help get work experience..even work

Take the time to research and choose the right volunteer organization

Read more at:
Why volunteer?
Because it’s the right thing to do, because it will make you a better person.
All true.
But there are other reasons too, if you choose wisely.

Read more at:

5 Ways Volunteer Experience Gets You Work Experience

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Dreams, wishes and some good ideas of things that need doing...My Bucket List

My Bucket list
Well, it had been my plan to base my bucket list around the theme of my blog, 'Looking for a job when you are over 50', and the blog was to be a list of the things I should have done and probably missed out on , besides having a learning to ride a bike !!!

I assumed that a Google search would produce loads of lists of suggestions of things to achieve before I was fifty and in my case to catch up on , and in relation to the blog, would provide some cheap or even free entertainment and things to do. However, it seems that there is not much suggested after and between the age of 11 3/4 and when you die....Make a bucket list of your own, staying organised, active, interested and involved goes a long way to helping get a job !!!!

Here's the full list:
  • Climb a tree
I was never allowed to climb trees or anything else for that matter...
  • Roll down a really big hill
Done this .
  • Camp out in the wild
No, Girl Guide campsites don't count !!!
  • Build a den
  • Skim a stone
  • Run around in the rain
  • Fly a kite
  • Catch a fish with a net
Done this..on Wandsworth Common with my dad
  • Eat an apple straight from a tree
  • Play conkers
  • Throw some snow
  • Hunt for treasure on the beach
  • Make a mud pie
  • Dam a stream
  • Go sledging
  • Bury someone in the sand
  • Set up a snail race
  • Balance on a fallen tree
  • Swing on a rope swing
  • Make a mud slide
  • Eat blackberries growing in the wild
  • Take a look inside a tree
  • Visit an island – I'm not sure the Isle of Wight counts !!!
  • Feel like you're flying in the wind
  • Make a grass trumpet
  • Hunt for fossils and bones ..On the Isle of Wight on School Journey
  • Watch the sun wake up
  • Climb a huge hill ...Glastonbuty Tor but I was well over 11 !!!
  • Get behind a waterfall
  • Feed a bird from your hand
  • Hunt for bugs
  • Find some frogspawn
  • Catch a butterfly in a net
  • Track wild animals
  • Discover what's in a pond
  • Call an owl
  • Check out the crazy creatures in a rock pool ..At Hastings at low tide
  • Bring up a butterfly
  • Catch a crab
  • Go on a nature walk at night
  • Plant it, grow it, eat it
  • Go wild swimming
  • Go rafting
  • Light a fire without matches
  • Find your way with a map and compass Thanks to the Girl Guides I can do this !!!
  • Try bouldering
  • Cook on a campfire
  • Try abseiling
  • Find a geocache
  • Canoe down a river

...Lots more to come ....