Friday, 28 April 2017

Social Media Tips

1.) What’s your social media goal? If you don’t know where you want to go, it’s hard to get there…what are you using social media for? is it to make contacts and network, as a portfolio, to make sales …or maybe all this and more?

2.) Promote your most popular posts – and that goes for blog posts as well as social media posts.

3.) Even if you don’t really understand tracking, at least look at Facebook Insights. It’ll show you a lot about your page progress and be sure to have a view counter on your website or blog.

4.) Get the conversation going on social media. Try humor and controversy. They’re very powerful at getting reactions.

5.) Social media is a powerful thing, but never mistake fooling around with being productive. Stay focused!

6.) Look for questions on your chosen social networks. Provide the answer.

7.) Analyze your own tweets. Which types got most retweeting? Most Interaction? Use this information to expand ...make the tweet into a blog post and or Facebook post.

8.) Don’t be shy with your social media presence…but don’t overdo it!!!

9.) Still trying to be everyone’s “friend”? Don’t be real and genuine instead …each connection counts – and speaks loudly about who you are to your other connections.

10.) If you want your social content to attract and impress, do your best to share posts that are as unique as possible to you and your brand.

11.) Make sure you speak with an identifiable, individual voice when posting social content. Your posts should never sound “canned”, it should be that they sound and look like posts that can be identified as being ‘you’ the sort of posts that reflect your character.

12.) Be consistent and post regularly

13.) Include a mix of rich media in your social content e.g. Video, photos, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook posts, tweets ….

14.) Use to create free surveys. You can ask questions for your new product idea and share the link on social media.

15.) Only your short description displays in your Facebook header section, but fill out your Profile 100% for max search ability.

16.) Check “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” in LinkedIn to see who is finding you. LinkedIn can seem a bit daunting but do try to get the hang of it ….

17.) Don’t make your social media too much hard work …it is fun!! Relax and enjoy the benefits to your business of networking …

Valerie Hedges

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Building Your Business On Just 15 Minutes A Day

I think we're all guilty of overestimating what we can get done in one day, and the number of projects we can work on at any given time. Writing a book in a week sounds fine, for example, until you realize that you've got a million other projects on the go at the same time! On the flip side, some projects can look so huge that you just never get started. You keep putting it off and putting it off until you decide you're just never going to get around to it.

There is one way to feel like you're making progress even when you don't have much time to work on a project: by dedicating just 15 minutes a day to doing something that'll take you closer to your goals.

This is enough time to actually see some progress each day, but not too much time that you won't be able to fit it into your already busy schedule. You may be thinking that projects will take too long to complete if you only give them 15 minutes per day, but they'll take even longer if you never start! That 15 minute block is a way to motivate yourself, to keep you working consistently, and to help build momentum until you see something through to the end.

How To Make Sure Those 15 Minutes Are Productive

The best way to make sure you get the absolute most done in those 15 minutes is to know what you're doing. If you're writing a book or report, make sure you write an outline so that you can dig into any section whenever you have time. If not, spend one of your 15 minute chunks of time breaking down any project into smaller, more workable chunks. It may not seem like it, but this really works to make things easier on you, so don't skip it!

It also helps to get into a routine: if you have 15 free minutes in the mornings, set this time aside for your new projects. Or, if you're the kind of person who constantly seems to be on the move, keep a notebook/ smartphone/ eReader etc. on you so you can work on your project whenever you get a chance: at the doctor's office, while waiting for a friend, sitting in a taxi and so on.

It also helps to let someone else know your goals. A partner or friend can help to keep you accountable, or you could even post daily updates on a blog and get others to join in. Whatever works for you!

Does It Really Work?

When do you feel the happiest and most successful: when you've been thinking about doing something for a while but are trying to get the motivation to actually start, or when you stop thinking and start doing? Even if you're not doing much, you know you're doing something. That should be enough for you to stop beating yourself up and to start feeling proud that you're taking action on your goals.

Remember – every single person can find 15 free minutes in their day. There are no more excuses!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Make money from your blog

Many people are very suspicious and doubtful about making money online, when people start up, very often one of the first difficulties they face is the astonishment of family and friends who care about them, but rather than being encouraging think they are crazy and tell them to keep on trying to get a proper job …something will turn up!!! However, there is money to be made in blogging, providing you get it right and that is a learning curve for sure.

1) Pay Per Click Ads

Many bloggers searching for good ways to make money start out with pay per click ads on their blog or website. These are ads that show links and short descriptions of advertisers' websites, matched up to the content of your own site for greater results. You'll earn a small amount of money for every click.

2) Sell Advertisements

This can be a fantastic way to make money from your blog, however it does take time to get your blog up to a level that will attract advertisers. You can't expect to sell ad spots for much money until you build up a good subscriber base and traffic numbers. Once you do, you can sell direct text links, banner ads, mentions within your newsletter and more. Just be sure to choose your advertisers carefully to avoid aggravating your readers. Note - if you don't yet have the subscriber numbers to sell ad spots, consider signing up to paid or sponsored blogging programs such as PayPerPost.

3) Affiliate Programs

There will be an affiliate program for just about any topic around. For example, if you're blogging about how to get organized and de-clutter the home, then you may promote links to places where people can buy storage boxes, organization books and so on. You can usually find an affiliate program for any kind of physical product, though you can promote digital products too - such as eBooks, audiobooks, podcasts and more.

4) Promote A Business

More and more companies and individuals are now setting up blogs to promote their own businesses. For example, if you're a freelance copywriter you may choose to blog about ways in which businesses can improve their ad campaigns. You'll soon start attracting the kind of readers who may be interested in buying your services, while building your brand as an expert copywriter at the same time!

5) Sell It!

Selling your blog isn’t a way to make ongoing money from your blog, but there are times when this becomes the best option. Perhaps you are desperate for the cash, or you've just lost interest in the subject matter. If that's the case then selling it could earn you a nice chunk of cash - especially if the blog is already earning money, gets good traffic and has several loyal followers.

You may find that you have to experiment with these five good ways to make money from your blog - what works for one may not work for another. It all takes time, but if you steadily work on building traffic and readers, your earnings should follow.

Valerie Hartland

Anxiety and panic attacks

It is hardly surprising to suffer from anxiety and depression when unemployed, there are likely to be many issues going on that can contribute to this, examples are income and debt issues, anxiety about the future and if you will get a job at all, pressure from welfare benefit agencies, feelings of low self-image and value in front of family, friends and society because you do not have a job.

Generalised anxiety disorder is something that many do not realise they have, or do not like to acknowledge they may have ….it is almost constant anxiety with things arising that then make it worse. As a constant state of heightened anxiety arousal, it may become so familiar that it hardly seems that troublesome but can cause far worse mental symptoms and physical ones such as high blood pressure, also problems with social interaction and confidence, all of which need to be addressed to get and keep a job.

Panic attacks can truly have a sufferer think they are close to death and can arise at times when you do not even feel you have something to panic about. Once your body is used to the surge of anxious emotions, chemicals and hormones going around your stressed body and mind, it needs no trigger to feel panic. Many have both constant anxiety and panic attacks, if you have a sudden feeling that you cannot breathe, need to get away, that you are having a heart attack, while such symptoms must be checked out, you may well be having panic attacks, they may be set off by something, e.g. a financial crisis, or they may reach the point of seeming to come out of the blue. Symptoms can include chest pain, sweating, vision difficulties, cold sweats, hot sweats, feelings of depersonalisation …that you are not part of what is going on around you, breathlessness and many more strange symptoms.

Any such symptoms do need to be checked out by a doctor, Google believe it or not will not be able to tell you for sure if your chest pains are panic attacks or that your high blood pressure is about to cause a heart attack, but if diagnosed with anxiety and or panic, a lot of help is available online and from support at e.g., the doctor’s surgery and community centres.

Social anxiety is very common when you are under stress, if you are unemployed and have money difficulties, it affects your confidence and your ability to take part in things with friends and family socially. I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Social Sciences and recently had to write an essay on the consumer society that according to social scientists we now live in, and how it creates inequality and exclusion for those who are unable to take part.

Some people cope and feel reasonably ok when they are alone or with people that they know very well and are comfortable with such as family, but have panic and anxiety when with new people or in crowds and other social settings such as parties. There are different types of social phobias, from being afraid of most people, not feeling comfortable around strangers, or just having phobias with larger groups of people. Some people experience it mildly, while others have it so severely they avoid public situations altogether.

Other types of anxiety include agoraphobia where you are afraid to leave your home or claustrophobia where you have a fear of confined spaces. These phobias can be helped and even cured …and the best place to start is a trip to your doctor. Also, it can help to avoid certain situations ~

Some are born with a greater tendency to anxiety than others, or circumstances lead to a greater likelihood, but certain habits such as not enough sleep and a poor diet can make things worse. Coping with difficult situations and anxiety is easier when you take care of yourself.

It is very hard if those closest to you are going through tough times such as your family, but it helps to try to stick around positive people. Too much caffeine, sugar, chocolate and alcohol and a generally poor diet can add to anxiety along with a deficiency of certain vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin D, and vitamin C that affect the nervous system. proper nutrition is essential to treating your anxiety naturally. One of the more important nutrients to make sure you get each day is your omega-3 fatty acids. Try to aim for 2-3 grams of omega-3s every day, as they will help you to lower stress chemicals, which can then reduce your anxiety and panic. You can take a supplement, but it is better to get nutrients from natural food sources. For omega-3 fatty acids, this means fish like salmon and tuna, as well as whole grains, flax seeds, and walnuts. The best way to get more vitamin D is through sunlight. Try heading outside for 15-20 minutes a day to soak in that vitamin D, and you will start feeling a lot better. It will not only help with your anxiety, but improve your overall happiness and can even make you feel more energetic. There are a lot of ways to fit in some extra sunlight, whether you take your lunch break outdoors or you go for a walk in the afternoon before the sun goes down. An excellent way to combine sunlight and exercising is to go for a walk outside. Even if you don’t want to exercise outside, getting more physical activity is great for anxiety. You get your blood pumping, distract your mind, and can de-stress as well, all of which will help if you have high blood pressure due to your stress.

Gradually decrease the amount of coffee you drink if you know it is too much and talk to your doctor if you are struggling with alcohol addiction and/or google support services online.

Exercise is very helpful, but you may as I and many do, have health issues that affect the amount and type of exercise that you can do. However, do try to get up and start moving around more often. With regular exercises, you boost the serotonin levels in your brain and help to release your endorphins. These happy chemicals increase your energy and happiness, and can also have a very positive impact on stress and anxiety. With less stress, your anxiety tends to be less severe as well. You will be more energetic during the day, but also sleep better at night.

It may well be that you have been coping and coping well with your anxiety but would appreciate finding ways to manage it better, and a lot of help for this is available on the web. There are many things that we can take part in to even on a limited income distract us from anxieties and worries, without such as alcohol does, only giving a temporary respite but then making things worse. Try a new hobby such as keeping a journal, adult colouring, scrapbooking and stamp collecting. Many hobbies can still be taken up on limited incomes and while tied to the house with health issues, they have social media groups for them and if you can get out, even meet-ups. Maybe, as many do, you enjoy listening to music, almost all music genres and eras have Facebook groups which not only support your interest in e.g. sixties music but also help you to make friends, many internet friendships if close enough in distance end up with meeting each other.

While it is important to take any medication that your doctor recommends, you may if your doctor agrees wish to try other possible remedies such as relaxation techniques and natural remedies such as oils.

One of the top ways to treat anxiety naturally is with essential oils. Oils are extracted from flowers, herbs, and plants, and then used to calm you down and keep away the panic and anxiety. Certain essential oils are better for anxiety, creating a calm environment and reducing the amount of panic attacks you experience. Here are some essential oils to use for stress:

* Lavender

* Chamomile

* Frankincense

* Bergamot

* Vetiver

* Rose

You can add some drops to your bath at night, use an essential oils diffuser, or even make tea with some of these oils. However, do check for any contra indications with medicines that you are taking that have been prescribed by your doctor.

If you have any obvious and distressing signs of having an anxiety disorder, it is a good thing to talk to your doctor. You may not need therapy, but it is a good reason to visit your family doctor and talk about these symptoms. For example, there are physical signs of having anxiety such as blurred vision, a rapid heart rate, aching joints from being overly tense, and headaches. Some other signs to look out for include:

* Trouble concentrating

* Constantly feeling a sense of dread

* Avoiding certain places or situations

* Being irritable a good amount of the time

* Feeling like your mind has gone blank

Panic attacks at times of stress are very common, if you are getting panic attacks then it is a good time to see a doctor. Your doctor can look at your symptoms and help you figure out a good treatment plan.

When your anxiety gets to the point where things in your daily life are affected, this means it is no longer something you can manage on your own without outside help. This might include struggling with your job if you have one, finding it hard to cope with the pressures of job hunting and or the difficulties’ of not having an income adequate for your needs and or having debt issues, having a social phobia that keeps you from spending time with friends and family, or not being able to drive anymore because you have panic attacks behind the wheel. These situations show that you are kept from daily tasks because of the anxiety, which is when it is time to seek professional help.

Valerie Hartland

Monday, 3 April 2017

Determine your financial position before starting your own business.

So, you are thinking about starting your own business from home, or you are already well on the way? But, one of the very first things you need to do as part of the process is to look at our finances and know what your financial standing is ...because you may well be giving up a salary and having your own business or any kind of work from home does not make you rich right away, you cannot even rely on the same regular salary.

Maybe you have taken lots of steps towards starting to work for yourself, or maybe you are at this stage just thinking it could be a good idea, but wherever you are at on the journey, to have a clear knowledge of your financial position is crucial. Home workers do not usually just wake up one morning and decide they are leaving their job at the end of the month and starting to work for themselves and then get rich in a few weeks … indeed, it is possible to make money quickly but the point is whether or not it will be consistent enough to make giving up a regular salary possible and enable you to pay the bills. It can take, weeks, months, even years before you can be totally self-supporting as an entrepreneur.

Knowing your financial standing is not difficult, need not take that long but can help you avoid a nasty shock for which you are unprepared.

Look out your financial papers and see where you have money sitting, maybe even some forgotten accounts …check any investments, pensions etc and what you may be entitled to if you leave a job you have now ...such as unused holiday pay. List your income and whatever sources it comes from, any you will keep and those you will lose, examples are employment and salary, rent from property, alimony, interest from savings and then list your expenses ...your outgoings.

Examples might include ~

- mortgage/rent

-service charges

- insurances
- Council tax

- utilities (heat/water )

- phone/cable/satellite/Internet

- groceries and household supplies

- vehicle fuel, insurance and maintenance costs

- medical

- child care /school fees

- personal care (hair/nails/clothing)

- entertainment

- club memberships, publications, etc.

-loans, bank charges, credit payments

Once you know your weekly or monthly income and outgoings, is there anything over that can be set aside to fulfil your dream to start working from home or start a business. If you stopped salaried employment today, how long would you be able to survive on savings etc until you started to make good money.

Do you have enough money for unexpected things that may not seem big but even so are expensive if you do not have enough money to cover the cost easily …such as a new washing machine?

This is not intended to put you off starting to work for yourself, but it is being realistic about what you need to think about before starting a home based business ….

Once you have thoroughly looked into this, you may realise that your hopes of giving up your paid job may take longer than you would like, but you will be better prepared. You may be able to look into and get investment and or funding to help you start your business…Maybe really looking into your finances has even made you think that maybe you need to get advice on debt and money management ….an informed decision, even if it is one that is not ideally what you wish for is better than a nasty shock or starting off knowing that you are being unrealistic. Determine Your Financial position before starting your own business.

Valerie Hartland