Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Ways to look for a job

So, you have looked at every job board you knew and many that you did not and posted your CV or resume and a covering letter to every job that looks right for you and quite possibly many that are not but you have to apply for so many each week or the job centre stop your money. You have made calls and networked every one you can possibly think of and used social media to find many more jobs to apply for and contacts to network…and you still have not got a job.

Try this …for the next application, write a good cover letter on why you are so right for the job and refer to the enclosed resume ...it may well make it more likely to be read.

Use old fashioned snail mail. make a list of the companies you are interested in working for, write to your networking contacts and ask if they know anything about these companies and anyone who works there. If you find that a contact knows someone at a company on your list, or knows about any vacancies, send them your resume /CV and ask them to forward it or ask permission to send it yourself.

Then do a similar thing with e-mail, or stick if you prefer, to this method. Make your list of companies you are interested in and send an email to your contacts to see if they know anyone at these companies or know of any jobs there ….in doing this, you are building your email list, which will be very useful in many situations such as starting your own business. Ask your list to forward your details that you are looking for a job to any suitable contacts that they have.

Publish an e-book about your experience and industry and give it away on your website or blog, and send it to your list. This like your CV/resume shows your experience.

Call the companies that you are interested in and ask to be put through to human resources. Ask if they have any vacancies and /or which agencies or job boards they use. Even if they are not advertising at that time, they might like your initiative and invite you for an interview ...you may be saving them the advertising fees!!!

If you are registered at the job centre and claiming benefits, these tactics will look good in your job search record and prove that you are doing all you can to find a job.

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