Thursday, 3 December 2015

Escape the Christmas season slump

Well, here it is again …Its Christmas time in the city so goes the song and everywhere else too. It seems as if everyone is going to parties, writing cards, shopping, going to see the lights, planning time with families and friends and you have no job, no money for Christmas and are dreading it …. try to find things to do, to give yourself a sense of achievement and to be in a good frame of mind for the start of the new year  

Things on the job hunting front may seem quiet, may vacancies will have been filled earlier in the winter in readiness for the Christmas shopping season and some businesses will be winding down for the holiday season. However, it is still good for a job seeker to be as active as at the rest of the year, indeed if you are claiming state benefits where you have to submit evidence of your job search activity, then you have no choice.

Expect to have results, do not just think oh well its Christmas so I am not going to get a job now and may as well play around on Facebook. Take advantage of the fact that some businesses will be quiet, others will be looking for staff for the new year.

Benefit from the opportunities to lift your spirits …of course with no money to celebrate it is easy to become cynical and stressed out, but even so there are ways to have your spirits lifted that are even free …play some online Christmas music, if you are reading my blog then it is quite likely that you do have internet access. Read some old seasonal favorite books, many of these such as A Christmas Carol are available free online.

Certainly you may have little or no money for presents but never forget that many of the best gifts that can be enjoyed and shared come free. You feel self-conscious being unable to buy presents but not all gifts need to be bought, offer to baby sit some children in the family or friend’s children while their parents prepare for Christmas and enjoy watching cartoons, or making paper decorations.  Visit and spend time with an elderly relative and take your cell phone or tablet with you to share some downloaded old favorite Christmas songs or movies that you can enjoy together, it’s a feel good experience for everyone.  Google Random acts of kindness and be reminded how many gifts can be freely given. Doing something for others helps boost your own morale and when you feel good and positive, you feel more positive about identifying your skills and talents and about writing your resume or CV and job hunting. If you are invited to family occasions and to parties …do go, you are not being invited so that you will bring presents …be pleasant, be helpful, take a little something with you, even if it is just a simple box of chocolates or flowers or a seasonal plant, and talk to people that you meet. Do not be a job seeking bore, unable to talk about anything except being unemployed, it is Christmas, but if you get the opportunity to mention your skills and that you are looking for a job, then do so ……

Do some voluntary work , at Christmas time there are many organisations needing help such as shelters for the homeless, do something to help those with even less than you have and not only will you remember how fortunate you are, but it may even lead to a job .

Be positive about your prospects for the new year ...these ideas and others that may come to you will help you to have a more cheerful Christmas even if money is very tight and right now you do not see much of a change coming in your circumstances positive and optimistic, find ways to enjoy Christmas and have a head start on a positive new year … practice Christmas random acts of kindness, they do not all cost money .

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