Friday 3 July 2015

A better you… while you are job hunting

Title: A Better you… while you are job hunting
Word Count: 964
Summary: The psychological effects of unemployment are well known, is your self-esteem at a low ebb?
Self-help, self-improvement, self-growth

The psychological effects of unemployment are well documented, the effects of low income on personal appearance and self-confidence and the social isolation that comes with low income and no job, resulting in having only very limited, if any contact with others. Also, debt issues resulting from low income has a huge effect on your position in social circles and your confidence as well as your financial standing and credit rating.

There are of course many situations that can lead to lose of confidence and self - esteem, but there are ways that you can help yourself to minimize the damage from the beginning of hard times.

1.)    Try to keep a sense of do have one!!!

Do you feel that without a job and an income you have lost your sense of direction? Identify from your character make up and situation now, what your purpose is and what your goals are, remember them and you will not lose your sense of direction

2.)    Identify your values :

What is it that you value most? , make a list, some examples could be your home, your family, education or your faith. Target and focus yourself by checking if your goals tie in with your values  

3.)    Know what your needs are :

Unmet needs affect both your mental and physical health .Do try to take care of yourself. It can be very difficult indeed on a limited income from benefits and having no job, but it can become a vicious circle if you let yourself go. We all have even basic needs and if yours are not being met then check out what help may be available in spite of the many cuts to welfare that there have been in many countries around the world. Check out your benefit entitlement , apply for what you can and use advice centres such as the Citizens advice to help you make the applications for  the best possible chance of success, a lot of help and advice can be found online too . Don’t look down on things like the food bank if you are eligible to use it, do not be too proud. If you use things like the food bank, freeing up money to pay other bills clamouring to be paid like the mortgage, you will do wonders for your blood pressure...take all of the little help there is out there, check out charitable grants.
Go out and be with people, go to job clubs quite often run by community centres and libraries and use their free internet and heating instead of your own and be with people. Very often people help each other to get a job or find work they can do, it’s indeed often not what you know but who you know …

4.)     Be aware of your passions :

What fires you up? Being unemployed with no money can be very depressing, but do not lose sight of what inspires you. Lack of enthusiasm for life and self-doubt are evident to others and off putting, which is something you don’t want to seem to be, especially to those who can help you. Remember too, to be grateful to those who have and do help you on your journey , honour them, the best advice I was ever given came late to me in my life and from an American lady I quite likely may never meet, but who has and does inspire me more than she will ever understand ….I have worked in management almost all my adult life , I have hired, fired, counselled and promoted , I  don’t like to say too much about myself  and I always find it best to listen before embarking on your next quest .
Embrace silence, maybe you are not comfortable with it, but it is a wonderful thing to be able to just sit and think and take stock…be still. Enjoy nature, a walk in the park is free and thee days so much music and so many books are also available online for free…enjoy the classics of books and music , educate yourself …check out free online courses . Music is sound yes, but very soothing and inspiring

5.)    Recognise your strengths :

If you do not know your strengths, then take time to identify them, it does wonders for your self-esteem and will certainly help you with your resume and job applications and interviews. What are your positive traits? What are your special talents? Can you as I can write? Are you good at crafts? Many skills can be turned into an income and new career. If you really cannot identify your strengths then ask people who know you to help you out and while you are at it, be brave and ask them to tell you your  weaknesses .

6.)    Help others :

OK, you have no spare cash and cannot make donations to charity, but even so everyone can do something to help others. Do some voluntary work and help yourself at the same time as it can so often get you a current reference and help you to get a job. If you are disabled and cannot do active things get involved in online campaigning for things that concern you and others in your position such as disability rights. There are many groups and organisations needing support online and on social media such as Facebook. Share your talents and passions with others, the rewards are so worthwhile and connect you to others…. No man is an island says the famous quote and how true it is. 

Valerie Hedges

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