Friday, 16 August 2013

Not just in Wales....

This is an adaption of a status update posted on my Facebook page this week.... On Wednesday

 I'm dreading today...don't know what the best is, except that I'm not going to get it .... i.e the claim for ESA that should have been awarded according to even the Work Programme and the Job centre, but my GP won't write a medical certificate, .. I have no choice but to go with whatever transpires. Many of you know and even read my blog about having to look for a job with a heart condition, high blood pressure, partial sight, arthritis and a bone condition that makes me prone to fractures, and in my ankle I have six pins and a metal plate and can't go out in icy weather in case I slip ...I live alone so don't want to risk ending up back in plaster..I also avoid going out on wet autumn evenings when I can't always see wet leaves and might slip...... There are many staircases I can't manage so the layout of buildings can be difficult...but as the Jobcentre lady said...Valerie, you have been declared fit for work and you must do as you are told !!! ie look for a job..... I reminded her that since I haven't even been let near an ATOS medical yet alone attended one and been assessed I actually haven't been found fit for work, I just have no option but to claim JSA, because the GP won't write a certificate and when he was writing them the Job centre told me that they were useless and it is ATOS who decide now if you go to work or not, not your doctor and I would be put straight back on Job seekers allowance if I tried to claim ESA.....would you believe..I have an interview . I contacted an agency and sent my CV about what looked like a job I might be able to manage in a call centre marketing so often happens when you phone an agency about a job, they then announce that either the job has gone...or you would be better for another job. This happened to me, but although the job is far from ideal ending at 7.30 at night with dark nights coming and I doubt the wages will cover cabs.....if I want to keep my home I have no choice but to take it if I am offered it am being very brave, going for the interview and if I am offered the job...I will of course take least it gets the Jobcentre off my back......

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