Friday, 19 April 2013

Something for the or cheap ways to have fun

When looking for a job and unemployed on a very limited income, it is important to still try to maintain interests and hobbies. One of the best things about being online looking for a job is that possibly ( although I appreciate not everyone is in this position) you have your own PC at home and can spend time on it rather than perhaps being limited to an hour at the library.

I have recently discovered Pinterest..or rather what to do with it and what can be done with it. Pinterest is based on visual picture? then it can't be posted....or rather pinned. Many people are known to learn more easily with visual images as a learning style and also there is no doubt that although not suitable and acceptable for many traditional job applications...where it would not be seen in a good light, a visual CV is particularly appropriate for art and design and many IT roles where a portfolio of work is useful.

Increasing job seekers are aware of just how futile it can seem to be, just firing off CV after CV to different jobs and getting nowhere with not even an acknowledgement, so to make their CV stand out and draw attention they have developed the Info graphic CV format...Google free infographic resume template for some ideas and resources to use or adapt.

Also when applying for jobs you may come to realize than an advertiser knows far more about you than you think. This is because most potential employers Google an applicant to find out about them. Of course they tend to look initially at LinkedIn profiles and maybe Facebook...especially if there is a page for eg a blog or self employed business but Pinterest is becoming increasingly popular. This is especially because a user can make boards which show many varied parts of their lives and the employer gets a great picture of the user and other interests they may have eg art, books etc as well as their employment activities.

Also on Pinterst you will find many resources to assist you in your job hunting.

using pinterest to find a job
Make a Pinterest CV

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