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Saturday, 27 October 2012

End of year resolutions !!!

Several of my reader's know that at weekends I post some ideas for keeping in circulation and having interests other than job hunting, even though we have little or no money for socialising.

Recently, I discovered ' Bucket lists ' appears to me that the idea behind bucket lists is to sort of focus yourself on things you would like to do and achieve, and to be able to keep a record of what you have done so that you can tick them off...a sort of extended and more ambitious To-do-list. There are bucket lists for every possible stage of life...things that should be aimed for , to have been done by the time we leave school, are 16, 20, 21...right up  to things to do before we die.

Of course many of the ideas, inspiring as they are are well beyond the abilities of those on a very limited income, and some of them are more suited to a gap year, although it is becoming a trend for older people to have gap years, if they are in a position to finance it.

I have often emphasised on the blog, the importance of  staying organised and focussed when job hunting. The reason for this is that it is good to remain in a mindset, where you can easily adjust again to working hours, should you be fortunate to get a job. This is harder if you have spent your days in your pyjamas.

Also, when you are out of work and on a very  limited income, other things can crop up, such as debts and legal issues and you will need to keep on top of these in order to meet your jobseekers agreement if you are on one, to be immediately availabe for work, and to meet deadlines for application forms, when filling in an application by form or online can take all day at least.

It is not long to Christmas and of course, in the new year, we are familiar with the tradition of new year resolutions, but the end of the year is a really good time for sorting out and organising.Lots of the suggestions on the lists are ideal for cold, dark evenings and also cheap or even free !!!

20 Things To Tick Off Before The End Of The Year...

This list is from 2011 but still very useful

The next list I recommend was written for the end of 2007 but again is very helpful

Father time with the hourglass on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve and champagne
father time leaving

               More bucket lists....and the start at least of my own coming soon !!!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Some reasons why small businesses are at risk

So many people these days who cannot get jobs are moving instead towards using their skills and experience to create a job or even a small business. Older people are positively encouraged to do so, both by the media, especially online where there are so many resources devoted to starting a business that it looks deceptively easy, anyone can do it, and at the Job centre, where they encourage the budding entrepreneur via their website, to consider starting a business and that it is indeed a possibility, that you are entitled to apply for all sorts of help and grants to do so, until that is you go the Job centre, where the advisers will do everything they can to deter you, and often they manage it successfully.

How this happens resonates to me with a comment I recall reading on one of the many forums devoted to getting a job or ways to make money that I come across while working on the blog. 'When you are on Job-seekers allowance the Job centre own you, and you just have to do as you are told'.For the budding would be entrepreneur what this often means is that you have to in effect 'stop this nonsense and get a job, with a paying employer, and come off benefits. These days you have to do this before you either get sent to the work programme and given a job, regardless of if you are fit to do it or not, or your benefits are stopped because it is considered you re not cooperating enough to get work and so not meeting your job seekers agreement

When saying that the Work programme will match you with what they consider to be a suitable, available job regardless of if you are fit to do it or not think of the thousands of sick and disabled people who under this government are losing their entitlement to sickness benefit, frequently resulting in their deaths when forced to work or waiting for an appeal What used to be known as a medical certificate from your GP, signing you off as unfit for work is now called a fit note !! and Job centre plus advisers admit openly to clients that like as in cases such as mine, where my GP is stating on the note that I am not fit for work, it is not the GP who has the right to decide , but ATOS, the company given the contract by the Department of Work and pensions to deny sickness benefit and find claimants fit for work. I have health conditions including a heart problem, high blood pressure, joint and bone problems, partial sight and anxiety and depression , but according to the department for Work and pensions I am fit for work and so this would give the work programme, which I have recently been placed on, the power to place me in any available job they say I can do..

I held very enthusiastic hopes of turning my website and blog devoted to the issues concerning people in the same position as myself into a business , in the main part financed by advertising. However on trying to get the Job centre to make the referral to the enterprise scheme , which the Department of Work and pensions website clearly states is available, I was denied it at every attempt and any adviser who did encourage me was quickly removed from my case
Eventually, I was informed that this was because they have to say that the money for start up grants etc. is available, because in theory it is, but the reality is that providers do not want to release the money they hold.

In the movie "You've Got Mail", the sub-plot aside from the love angle is that the heroine (played by Meg Ryan) was forced out of business when the big-time book store owner (played by Tom Hanks) moved into town.

Meg's character owned a quaint little book store which she inherited from her mother. Although the prices of her books were a little steep, she makes up for it in service. She packs the books in a specialized bag, and she knows all of her customers by name..sounds like the sort of well respected independently owned book shops seen on high streets in the UK before Waterstones, WH Smiths....and Kindles !!! Indeed, not just bookshops were of this nature, but all kinds of trade shops.

Tom's character, on the other hand, moved into town to build a branch of a big chain-bookstore which offered discounted prices and a huge building, as compared to Meg's little bookshop on one corner of the town's streets.

In the end, Meg was forced out of business because her customers went to Tom's monstrous bookshop.

When I was totally convinced that my business plan was viable and I attended a local enterprise project, thinking I had a wonderful idea, to help people like myself, older and not in good health to look for work and deal with all the other issues that arise from unemployment, I felt that I was unique. However, I do remember slight alarm bells tinkling when I was asked to think about who else was doing what I wanted to do. As I thought I realised that actually, I was not so unique and I would be a small fish in a big pond, with players in my field such as the well respected Wise owls

It is the larger and proven organisations with a track record for success who get the first and largest share of the pie when contracts and funding are given out, and this is why so many people who have a business idea are advised instead to work with what is already there and see if they can incorporate their ideas into that provision. An example of this is the many people who decide to set up a charity for an illness or concern that has affected them or their family members and then try to get charitable grants and funding , with what can be little success or even none.

In the movie, the reason why Meg Ryan was forced out of business is because she cannot profit anymore. Her prices are steep as compared to the other big business' discounted rates.

Her only edge is that she gives personal service, she knows her customers by name and she has a very small staff, about 2 or 3 employees.

As a small organization you may turn around and have these qualities as your edge to compete against the big sharks in business. , but it will be a struggle....think of the number of empty high street shops while there are Tesco's branches of every size..Metro, Express etc. etc. in every town and village

Here are some tips on how you can hold your own against a big business:

1. Small businesses have big competition.

This means that you need to know how to survive out there.

No matter what nature of business you have, it is better to learn about the competition so that you will be able to survive.

Here are some tips on how you can survive the big competition:

>Keep your business alive. ...promote, promote, promote

Have a very clear idea of your budget

Do not spend on unnecessary business purchases and always balance your books.

If you are one to buy on impulse or if you are the type to listen to those who sweet-talk you into purchasing "necessary" items, control yourself.

Get a second and third opinion if possible, as these impulsive buys and actions may lead to the end of your small organization.

>Do not be afraid to seek professional help. ..there is plenty out there

The fall of most small businesses start with decisions on problems which are not carefully analysed.

Although you think that you already have a contingency plan, make sure that you have foreseen the results of a certain business decision. the longer term view and look at the bigger picture

In the long run, it is better to seek professional help rather than embark on a plan that could start the downfall of your business. before it has even begun.

>Keep your books straight.

The better option is for you to hire a professional outside accountant to figure the returns of your investment and handle the other financial aspects of your business.

>Take advantage of every free business counselling whenever available.

This does not just help widen your knowledge, but it will also give you an idea of how other businesses are ran by small-scale owners.

>Know exactly where your business is headed. ..have a good business plan

In your day-to-day operation, make sure that you know where you want your company to be 5 or 10 years from now.

Be always aware of the trends in the industry that you are in, practice good money management and learn how to recognize potential problems before they arise.

2. Learn how to market your small organization.

Marketing is not about trying to sell your products and services to everyone.

It is about knowing who to market your products to.

In marketing, it is good to remember these fast facts:

> Know about your customers.

>Communicate with your customers.

>Build a good and personalized relationship with your customers.

This will be a great edge for you to have against the bigger companies.

They might offer discounted prices but it is harder for them to keep track of customers on a more personal basis.
>Do not stop the marketing process.

As a small organization, you need to routinely review the markets that you need to pursue so that you can better reach out to your customers.

Remember, small organizations are big businesses these days so do not be afraid to work hard for the company that you have - not matter how small.

If you work hard, make wise business decisions, learn how to market your small business and personalize your customer interaction, your small-scale business can rise to the top.

Valerie Hedges

Friday, 19 October 2012

17 Simple & Free Ways to Have Fun Today | Escape Adulthood with Kim & Jason

17 Simple & Free Ways to Have Fun Today | Escape Adulthood with Kim & Jason

Quite a lot of my readers may know that at weekends I like to take a somewhat holistic approach to the situation of looking for a job and having no money ...It is so easy to stay indoors all day every day,  frantically looking for a job and going out of your mind with worry about paying bills and lasting out until the next benefit payment . Nobody can deny that it is extremly difficult to have a life with no spare cash, even free events, of which there are many in towns and cities to be found  advertised on the internet usually end up involving some perhaps small but unvoidable cost. However, trying to keep in circulation actually helps you to be aware of what is going on,  up on current affairs,  networking and making contacts and to be job ready....

This site is perhaps slightly wacky....designed to take the seriousness and heaviness out of being an adult and if anything makes you realise you are grown up its having no job and bills to pay...losing your home, dealing with the benefits office is a very grown up event...there are suggestions for chilling that are just  a touch OTT... and making a prank call to your friend if it was the wrong friensd on the wrong day could land you in serious trouble but there are archives going back to 2002, with fun ideas, even if some have to be ruled out as rather extreme . On the other hand postings such as Honey, I Shrunk The Apartment, a humerous but sensible article about organising are good..especially when its important to keep your job search organised and the house and your affairs in order, ready to start work immediately if you get an opportunity.

There are links that you can purchase but the free stuff on the site is plenty to amuse and give ideas. I love Cool Things under the categories label  and On a budget has brilliant articles including How to get your family talking....rather than the electronic gadgets we are so frequently attached to ....

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Government employment schemes

Government employment schemes

This is one of the very best and most concise advise sites regarding benefits, work programmes, sanctions and in and out of work benefits I have read,

Adviceguide self help from Citizens Advice

Wednesday, 17 October 2012



FREE Report Reveals: #1 Work at Home Job with a Global Business

How to Get Hired - BlogTopSites

How to Get Hired - BlogTopSites


Q: Firms all want prior experience - how do I enter a field without it?

...How to Get Hired .....

Career Advice Article: How to find a job when you’re over 50 - Telegraph Jobs

Career Advice Article: How to find a job when you’re over 50 - Telegraph Jobs###

More than 100 readers joined the Telegraph’s job-hunting Q&A to ask for advice and tips on how to find a decent job.
Many job hunters over-50 told our experts they were being discriminated against during recruitment because of their age, asking what they can do to beat age prejudice. Others wanted help with building an “online presence” on social networking sites, to increase the chance of being spotted by headhunters and recruiters.
Here we round up some of the best tips from the event:

© 2012 Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited.   All rights reserved.

Amazing Cover Letters - Cover Letter and Job Application Letters

Amazing Cover Letters - Cover Letter and Job Application Letters

{ Free Paid Surveys Online - } - UK Paid Online Surveys

{ Free Paid Surveys Online - } - UK Paid Online Surveys is your 100% FREE Surveys Guide.
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Customer Service Advisors - Home Based 6pm-11pm shifts Job in Home-Based

Customer Service Advisors - Home Based 6pm-11pm shifts Job in Home-Based

This company offers if accepted, home based work, and has a really good equal oppoertunitities policy..they employ older and disabled people who wish or need to work from home...home based customer service roles

Monday, 15 October 2012

Chris Walsh - Wise Owls director: Older people hear the human distress caused by une...

Chris Walsh - Wise Owls director: Older people hear the human distress caused by une...: Figures released by the coroner’s office, have revealed a 15% increase in suicides in the UK since the recession began. However, in Italy...

Figures released by the coroner’s office, have revealed a 15% increase in suicides in the UK since the recession began. However, in Italy, 1 person a day now commits suicide who is unemployed – with 40% being aged 50 – 65, plus suicides by entrepreneurs and small business owners whose businesses have failed.

Chris Walsh - Wise Owls director: Conference on Older People In an Exclusive Europe...

Chris Walsh - Wise Owls director: Conference on Older People In an Exclusive Europe...: I was invited to go to Brussels Monday 8th October to make a presentation to the Conference on  Older People In an Exclusive Europe organi...

Wise Owls is the UK's leading website and organisation dedicated to the interests of older working age people (50 – 65+).

¤ 6 Easy Ways To Beat Negative Stereotypes As A Older Worker ¤ | Interns Over 40

Email etiquette

Email is one of the most powerful tools you will use to get a job or grow your business. Often, it is the only way you will have to interact with people and opportunities, many of whom will be in countries far away from your own. Remember that the email you send may will be the first contact and impression someone, perhaps an employer, has of you. If your CV/ Resume and covering letter are sent by attachment then the email will be the very first impression of you. Before the attachments are opened. It is vital to make that impression a good one and remember that in email communications it is never truer that it isn't what you say, but how you say it. If you do not show good email etiquette, your first, and perhaps only chance to make a good impression will be ruined.

Follow these ideas and suggestions for effective email communication which will earn respect and make that good first impression.

  1. Make it clear, concise, as brief as possible and to the point. Email is not meant to be a letter, but a message.
  2. Read Email carefully and answer any questions, e.g. directions, it looks disorganised to have to send further emails about such things later on.
  3. Do try to make it personal. For one thing in an office it makes it clear who the email is for and secondly people like to see their name and that you have bothered to personalise it .
  4. Make the subject line stand out to get attention, use a snappy but business like one. But do not use capitals,it is considered in email etiquette to be shouting.
  5. Use, check and proofread for proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. Use the programmes spell and grammar check but it is also a very good idea to do your own check for misuse of words which have a double use and spelling, but a different meaning e.g. weather or whether..the electronic check will probably not pick them up as mistakes.
  6. Try to lean and use the skill of using active rather than passive language..Google for some tips. I do not fully use this to its effective advantage myself, so could so with learning. I tend to fear being abrupt, so maybe my language is passive, I have noted that my grammar checks pick it up...But there is a difference between active and rude, abrupt language.
  7. Try out some business email templates for real professionalism...I Googled Business email templates free and while there found the suggested search Proper way to write a business email.
  8. Don't allow yourself to get Email overload. It is so easy when job hunting especially to get swamped with replies and downloads and things to upload such as CV templates. Adopt an Email and II organisation system like you would for your snail mail, bill paying etc. and stick ruthlessly to it, if not you can easily miss deadlines
  9. 9. Use proper structure & layout. Do not be tempted to skip on this and be shoddy just because it is email. Your image and possibly the first impression you give may well depend on the impression your email gives, treat it like a letter. Make it easy on the eyes. Put some space between sentences or paragraphs
  10. Bullet points are very effective ...but like everything else do not overuse them
  11. Take care with abbreviations and business emails I would advise not using them, it is not the place for smiley faces
  12. Avoid long sentences
  13. Write like you speak....but watch your language !!! Use plain, easy to understand English.
  14. As already mentioned. Do not write in CAPITALS. This is the equivalent of shouting at 
    someone online
  15. Try to always speak to only one person, i.e. address the email in the singular as you write. Further recipients will receive the email according to the list of whom you send it to In Group Mailings, use the bcc: field or do a mail merge
  16. Add disclaimers to your emails regarding SPAM
  17. Do not overuse the high priority option. If used too much, it will lose its effectiveness. I never use it. Those I email are busy people and I know they are well organised and know if my email is urgent or not when they read your readers !!!...and don't email too often which also damages its effectiveness as does too much texting....Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT
  18. Don’t leave out the message thread..include it.
  19. Do not attach unnecessary files, and watch the size of what you do send, because huge files can get stuck.
  20. Do not forward chain letters. Just don't do it. It can be tempting to send a friend an amusing round robin/chain mail joke etc. thinking it will give them a laugh at work..,t a professional email address is not the place for it, and they often have bugs and viruses ...on the subject of viruses....
  21.  Be sure to have and keep updated good anti virus software
  22. Do not request delivery and read number 17, it just looks like you are drawing attention to yourself.

Just a thought...or two while without a job

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I lived through this horror I can take the next thing that comes along.
 - Eleanor Roosevelt

                                                   photo credit: wallyg via photopin cc

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

Winston Churchill


photo credit: via photopin cc

Even though you’re not yet perfect, you’re still OK. And just because you haven't arrived yet doesn't mean that you’re not on your way.-
 Joyce Meyer

photo credit: Old Shoe Woman via photopin ccing

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Having trouble getting a job ???

Not Applying for the Right Jobs:

In recent years, hiring managers have seen an influx in the number of resumes they get. Not only that, they have seen an increase the number of resumes they get from unqualified candidates...applying for a job for which they do not meet the job description, and employers are now in a position to be exacting with so many applicants to choose from. Nothing wastes your time or theirs more than applying for a job you aren’t qualified for. Your chances of getting an interview are very slim. Now, it is okay to go with some close calls like when you have five years of on-the-job experience and they wanted seven, but be sure to use your best realistic...

If you are not having much luck in your search , you might have paused and asked yourself “why can't I find a job?”, it might be because of the present economic climate and job market; neither are looking too excellent right now. There are many more job applicants than there are jobs With that said, the reasons why you cannot find a job might partly be a problem that you are creating. If you would like to change your luck around, here are some details to keep in your thoughts.

Looking in the wrong places:

When it comes to looking for a job, there are many ways to look. You can look in local and national papers, on the many online job sites, at job exhibitions, and more. You want to try all of these techniques. ... look in all the right locations, even though there are a lot of them !!, network, network....Facebook contacts, LinkedIn...speaking to people you know about your job search.....looking for a job is a job in itself.

Not Looking Often Enough:

With so many job applicants after each job, it is essential observe that a quick response is important to your achievements. It is not at all unusual now to see a job advertised with a closing date but that this will change if there are enough applicants early on. Jobs advertised at the UK government site Jobcentreplus are often casual type jobs not needing much in the way of experience and qualifications and they go quickly.
After a job is published on a web page many recruiting professionals get more than enough applicants than they actually need. Many of the job boards now tell you how many applicants there have been, and I have been one of 534 !!!
That is why you want to do your job searches often, set up alerts so that you do not miss opportunities.

Not Having a Good Resume:

A resume /CV ready to be adapted to any job title you apply for is essential to your job search If you are not using a CV at all and just a record of your experience and work in your head and in no particular order, not clearly set out in CV format, you need to get to work on it quickly. Having a perfect job targeted CV is vital..... having an “okay” one is not enough; your CV must be excellent. It must be readable, expert, and display your abilities. Generally, your CV needs to demonstrate that you are the ideal applicant for the job.

Article Source:

Friday, 5 October 2012

How to Enjoy Life in a Bad Economy: 16 steps (with pictures)

How to Enjoy Life in a Bad Economy: 16 steps (with pictures)

Living in a bad economy can be hard to do, but there really are a lot of possibilities to have a happy and enjoyable life. Friends, family and fun activities can bring lots of joy! ....Check out your area, find things that motivate you, look for things to do constantly.
.....Having an Internet connection is a good way to do or set up any kind of activities that involve creativity or just plain fun.....Many activities don't require having a lot of money. Money isn't what people are looking for anyway. Everyone is looking for ways to enjoy their life. Some have bigger perspectives others don't. Having bigger goals in life often require having more money, but it depends on you to achieve your goal not your countries economy.....Some of these ideas are a little far fetched like  saving the money up and moving to another country for a better economy !!! but with a few adaptions there are still some good ideas.... 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Make Money Quick with Online Marketing

There are many individuals on the internet who claim “I make extra money” but how many are doing it basically by composing and submitting content.” It sounds easy enough but is it true? Well, few things are as easy as they appear on the surface, but content is easy when you understand its objective .. what it is supposed to do and say and what it is.

Article composing is a money making tactic often used by entrepreneurs. Associates and affiliates are internet promoters who partner with certain companies to advertise their items. If they are effective in bringing new customers to the organization, the organization will then deliver them a commission payment.
The objective of content promotion in this whole procedure is to produce traffic. When you tell the person that you are earning cash from composing and submitting content, they cannot really see how it can possibly produce revenue. However, if done correctly, your content can entice focused visitors who may buy what you have to offer.

One of the important factors to being effective with content is keyword and key phrase selection and understanding.

If you do not understand how search phrases perform on the internet, this technique is not going to perform that well for you. On the other hand, if you have a basic grasp of the keyword and key phrase concept and select them properly, it is very possible that you will get visitors who will click on your links and potentially buy something.
Another important part of content is your trademark computer file. Your trademark computer file is normally the last passage of your content and it’s the place where you have a clear “call to activity.” That indicates that you are informing your reader what you would like them to do next, and how they can benefit by doing it.
If you effectively utilize search phrases and take a proactive approach, there is a very good possibility that you can figure out how to create additional cash composing and submitting content.

Make Money Quick with Online Marketing

Anyone can produce income with internet promotion if they are willing to really work at it but. perseverance does not mean you have to wait for a season before you create cash. It indicates that you do not quit if your actions do not immediately produce a sale. You have to assess what you did, collect yourself, and try again...and again
Affiliate promotion is basically a procedure where you are advertising another business's goods and services and they will in turn pay you a commission payment at any time you deliver them a client. The beauty of on the internet promotion is its versatility. You can basically enhance millions of different items.
If you want to produce income with internet promotion, you need to discover who is already buying certain items. In other words, you need to discover yourself a hot industry and provide them what they already want...find your target and market
So, what exactly is a hot market? A hot industry can be a short-term fad like a certain Christmas toy that they cannot keep on the store racks. It can also be a long term industry like weight-loss and fitness. People looking to shed weight become a very hot industry at the start of the year. But is a bit of a starving industry at other times.
Another example of a starving audience of individuals would be anyone wanting to produce income from home. Most individuals want the independence and other benefits of working at home and they are willing to pay for an e Book or course that can properly show them how to do it. Those are just a couple of examples but there are many others. Your objective is to discover the most profitable combination possible.
After you determine the market you want to sell your items to on the internet, the next phase is to discover an internet affiliate program that offers the items you want. You can basically do a search on Google or go to one of the big affiliate networks.
Your last stage for earning cash is competitive promotion of your affiliate web links. The more eyes you get to view your web links, the better your odds are of creating immediate revenue. You never want to junk your web link around the web. Instead, you can create a readable trademark computer file that includes your web links and a proactive approach and then visit focused weblogs and boards to market your links
The best technique is to become active on web communities and help other individuals . Your web links will get visibility and it can quickly lead to revenue. Another way to get visibility is via social bookmarking websites and websites like stumble upon, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc. Get your web links out there into the industry and you will eventually see revenue.
One last way to produce income fast is to write content and post them to content submission websites. The objective here is to pick search phrases that will entice the buyers you want and to use them throughout your content. You also want to create text to include a strong proactive approach at the end of your content within the trademark box.
Are you having difficulties to create additional cash online? Figure out the best answer to how can “I create additional money” by searching online ….there are loads of ideas....
Article Source:

Monday, 1 October 2012

Changing career in middle age and later life

Do you still dream of fulfilling your perfect job plan, maybe in self employment, but have reluctantly found yourself stuck on a career path that earns money, pays the bills but in a job you don't find interesting? This has happened to many if not most of us, and a new job is one remedy to reverse the dullness and discontentment that comes from feeling you are in the wrong a rut, or indeed not having a job at all. A change, especially if it is promotion, if effective, will increase your self-esteem and can provide you with tremendous fulfilment. Changing your career or job during middle aged can be excellent, if you really wish to try something new, , or just want to fulfil a wish

.Go through the guidelines given below to create an ideal plan and route for your new selected area. of career

How to Plan a Career Change and Allow it to be Successful
Lots of individuals have changed jobs in their middle age, but not all of them have been effective and successful in the change.
Only very effective preparing and planning can help you be successful, while changing jobs in middle age.....Be Sure about Your Decision
People who have changed professions successfully in their late 30's and later, or got a job in their retirement, have often researched carefully their preparing and decision-making abilities. Changing a profession is a big thing and any choice on it shouldn't be taken in a hurry. Provide an in-depth thought to the following concerns and know if you really need or want a new profession..

1.Are you satisfied with your present job?
2.Why do you want or need to change careers? Have you determined what really enthuses you?
3.If you're midway through life and have organized a new profession, what has affected this decision?
4.Do you have enough information about the new field?
5.Do you know someone who is effective in your new area of interest?
6.Do you have enough money? and are you in a financially strong position ?

These considerations will help you in making your choice as far as finances allow you a choice. Giving up your present job for a field ,in which you have no information or experience is risky , to say the least. And probably no matter how much you might want that job now that employers are much more fussy about having experienced applicants, you won't get it in any prepared to keep on applying or work, work, work at your own business.
Needless to say the least you need for such a change is enthusiasm, patience, an ability to cope with rejection and an ability to learn new skills to be effective in your job change.
You must also have enough money behind you, as you cannot anticipate generating an income as soon as you begin if you are self employed, and a new job with an employer in later life may involve a salary drop Thus, think sensibly before making any choices and once you have made the decision, stay assured about your choices.

Be Realistic, Enthusiastic and Willing to Learn
Mid-life profession changes are challenging because the individual has to contest with younger, quite possibly graduate applicants who tend to have first choice during the recruiting procedure. and all the images employers hold about older workers You can defeat this problem by learning about your new area and job through different resources, like trade guides and the Internet...always, always research a company online as you apply for vacancies...

1.Work hard at your job search, but be prepared to begin at a lower level. realistic...Smaller businesses might be less strict in their candidate selection procedure than large recognized ones.
2.Research about the area - job opportunities in the new industry and its viability and weakness to economic downturn.
3.Do whatever classes or courses are available and affordable to add to your information about the new sector. Good preparation is vital
4.When beginning a business, you should have enough investment and thus you should be very careful about how you invest it. You can access lots of help and advice about starting a business via the internet.

Importance of Career Networking
Networking is very important for professional development, this is known to everyone. You should not challenge the need for public networking, even if you are not an internet lover or expert, instead, use it successfully Communicate with individuals who are well-settled and effective in your new area by connecting on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Networking reveals a wide scope of possibilities, as one gets to connect to individuals who have identical interests , experience and backgrounds.
Social networking sites and professional public networking forums are web-based systems of networking , link building and contacts . So sign up for these websites to get the best assistance in your job search or self employment venture. Through public networking you meet individuals who discuss the same interests as you, and this allows for discovering excellent opportunities

Motivate Yourself
So, you have made the decision or found yourself with the need to look for employment and have organized and investigated everything. Do not let pressure and disappointment, from small failings to get a job you apply for and really want to take control of you and mar your enthusiasm. You cannot expect to get instant success and will be very lucky indeed to do so in the present economic climate...., there are a lot of highs and lows to go through.
The key can be found in getting setbacks in proportion and learning from them. Have trust in your choices and you will be effective.
You should think about your achievements and have faith in your history ...have an optimistic attitude. This will show on your character and you will feel like an achiever, prepared to overcome difficulties and the odds
If you have interest and enthusiasm you can create an effective job change in middle and later life.... it needs effort to be put in, and it also needs perseverance to make it effective.,,but it can be done.

Valerie Hedges
