Saturday, 19 May 2012

Learning about your world ..with a photo of Mitcham Library

Learning about your world

Mitcham Library

 Learning about the world not only teaches us about different places but it also teaches us about the people who live there and their culture and helps us to understand ach other better too…we can also learn about the geology and history of different nations…and how their people lived many years ago...or try to learn a new language, which is always an asset on your CV!! A simple Google search of Free Language learning resources produces loads of sites to learn at least the basics of almost every known language.

If on the other hand English is not your first language try a search for Free English as a second language resources and Free English as a second language online lessons

A very traditional way to widen your knowledge of the world and different countries and cultures is through the age old medium of finding a pen friend. or if time and the cost of stamps is a problem…there are now many sites listing online friends, which is pen friends by email !! If you do make snail mail pen friends then you can also start another hobby...stamp collecting which can open up a world of contacts as well as be very informative about the stamps themselves and the countries they come from.

Local History societies are another way to find out about the history of the area where you live, and find things you possibly didn’t know, while putting together this blog post I discovered that my own area has a long tradition of an active Historical society.

Of course not all of the activities and suggestions in this blog article will be free but they are generally low cost and do help to get you out and prevent the isolation that can come about when you are not at work.

Interesting links:

A lovely site which links in well with the theme of learning with your family

photo credit: satguru via photo pin cc

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